A Glossary of Terms
Precision Farming
Aerial photography - Photos
taken from airplanes to assist growers to determine variations within an area
of interest such as a field.
ag consultant - Person
trained in agricultural and management sciences to provide information to land
owners/managers for a fee related to the farming operation.
ag consultant certification -
There are 3 types of certification for ag consultants that are recognized in
the US:
Certified Crop Advisor (CCA). Administered by the American Society of
Agronomy. Requirements include a high
school education, 4 years of experience, continuing education credits and
Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg).
Administered by the American Society of Agronomy. Requirements include a college education, 4
years of experience, continuing education credits and testing.
Certified Professional Crop Consultant (CPCC).
Administered by the National Alliance of Independent Crop
Consultants. Requirements include a
college ag degree, 4 years of experience, continuing education credits and
- A finite, ordered set of well-defined rules written as a computer program to
assist in solving a specific problem.
agriculture anomaly
- an agronomic (vegetation or soil) deviation or inconsistency in excess of
"normal" variation from what one would expect to observe.
application -
A practical use of computer software, an electronic system or a concept.
applications package
- Specialized computer programs and their associated documentation developed
for practical usage. Ideally,
applications packages allow a non-computer specialist to use the computer
without learning complex programming languages.
- A line described by an ordered sequence of points associated with vector data
models. When a node joins two or more
arcs and several arcs are linked together in a loop, they form an area or
- The storage of historical records and data.
When you have collected a year or two of data from your precision
farming applications, you have started your own archive.
- (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). A standard coding system used to represent
alphanumeric characters within a computer.
ASCII files enable the transfer of some data between different computers
through the use of a common set of symbols.
aspect -
Horizontal direction in which a slope faces (e.g., a SE facing slope has an
aspect of 135 degrees).
- A numeric and/or text description of a spatial entity (e.g., address or
owner's name for a parcel).
attribute value -
A value or property that is a characteristic of a spatial element. For example, a specific symbol or color may
represent 150-160 bushels/acre that is a value assigned to that attribute.
base map
- The outline of your field with its proper coordinates is your base map. Data collected within the field by your
yield monitor will be defined in location by the base map, which is a binary
digital map.
baud rate -
A measure that describes the speed of the transmission of single digital
elements over a communications line.
The number indicates how rapidly data could move through your modem or
between a computer and a printer.
1. Used to define how comparisons
are to be made between different computer software or systems according to
specific requirements.
2. In surveying, a benchmark is
the elevation at a specific point.
- An abbreviated term for binary digit, the smallest unit of computer data.
block kriging
- A piecewise form of kriging based on grid cells.
- An area defined by the specified length extended around a point, line, or
- A unit of computer storage of binary data usually comprising eight bits, and
equivalent to a character. You will
commonly hear computer memory and storage referred to using terms such as
Kilobyte (approximately one thousand bytes), Megabyte (approximately one
million bytes) and Gigabyte (approximately one billion bytes).
- The art and science of the organization and communication of geographically
related information such as a yield image into maps or charts. The term will refer to their construction,
from data acquisition to presentation and use.
- The position at the center of a one- or two-dimensional (2D) entity such as a
choropleth map -
A thematic map such as a yield image where quantitative spatial data is
depicted through the use of shading or color variations of yield ranges.
computer aided design (CAD)
- Software with the capability of performing standard engineering drawings.
computer aided mapping (CAM)
- Software with the capability of generating standard mapping functions. In contrast to GIS, it can not analyze or
process a database.
- A line connecting a set of points, all of which have the same value. A contour line will show elevations of the
same value.
controller – An
electronic device used to change product application rates on-the-g0, based on
user directions or prescription applications maps.
crop scouting - Precise
assessments of pest pressure and crop performance that can be tied to a
specific location for better interpretation.
cross tabulation
- Comparison by location of attribute data in two or more map layers.
- A procedure which produces an application or company specific interface and/or
database design such as yield mapping
software. For example, a customized
version of a commercial yield monitor product may include menus that allow one
to add individual field numbers and other identifiers into the database.
- A logical collection of files managed as unit. A GIS database includes data about both the position and the
attributes of geographic features.
database management system (DBMS)
- A collection of
software for organizing the information in a database that might contain
routines for data input, verification, storage, retrieval, and combination.
data input
- The entry of information into a computer through the use of a keyboard,
digitizer, scanner, or even entering data from already existing databases.
data standardization
- The process of achieving agreement on common data definitions,
representation, and structures to which all data layers must conform.
(Digital Elevation Model) - A
digital representation of the elevation of locations on the land surface. A DEM is often used in reference to a set of
elevation values representing the elevations at points in a rectangular grid on
the Earth's surface. Some definitions
expand DEM to include any digital representation of the land surface, including
TIMS or digital contours.
differential correction - correction
of the GPS signal to make it more accurate.
An uncorrected signal will be accurate to about 50 yards. A corrected signal can be accurate to within
1-5 feet. Correction of a signal is
done from a second GPS receiver/transmitter at a known fixed location. The signal is then transmitted to the
tractor, combine or other equipment that corrects the proper location through
differential processing. There are four
common ways to transmit a correction signal from the base station to the farm
A dedicated AM transmitter that is located on a U.S Coast Guard tower located
near coastal and inland waterways, which has a range of 100-250 miles.
2. A separate, private corporation satellite to send the corrected signal (OmniSTAR, RACAL), which has worldwide coverage.
Piggyback the correction signal on a commercial FM radio station frequency
(DCI, ACCQPOINT), that has a range of 30-40 miles.
WAAS (Wide Angle Augmentation System) developed for the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) which has US coverage.
- A table or tablet which has the capability of digitally recording the
relative position of a cursor which is moved over the area or line that you
want to digitize or record.
(Digital Line Graph) - A US Geological Survey digital map format used to
distribute topographical maps in vector form.
The digital files contain lists of the coordinate points that describe
linear map features.
- The process of adding, deleting, and changing data/information on a computer.
expert system
- A system designed for solving problems in a particular application area. One
can draw an inference from a stored knowledge base that was developed by
recording and structuring human expertise through an individual commonly called
a knowledge engineer.
- A method or technique to extend data or inferences from a known location to
another location for which the values are not known.
- A geographic component of the earth's surface that has both spatial and
attribute data associated with it (e.g., field, well, waterway).
field -
1. A set of alphanumeric
characters comprising a unit of information.
2. A location in a data record in
which a unit of information is stored.
For example, in your database, one of your crops may contain columns of
data such as location #, crop type, variety, date of planting, etc. (all of
which are fields)
3. A specific location on a
person's farm that may be called
"Field # 10A"
field prescriptions – Applications
of inputs at variable rates based on data obtained through yield monitors, crop
scouting, remote sensing and soil sampling.
geocode -
A code associated with a spatial element which describes its location. An example would be a coordinate such as
longitude or latitude.
geographic information systems
(GIS) - System of computer hardware, software, and procedures
designed to support the compiling, storing, retrieving, analyzing and
displaying of spatially referenced data for addressing planning and management
georeference system
- A coordinate system keeping track of specific points on the Earth's
surface. Examples of such a system are
the Universal Transverse Mercator system (UTM) and the State Plane Coordinate
geostationary satellites – Space
vehicles in an orbit that keeps them over the same location on the Earth at all
times. Satellite-based differential
correction signals are broadcast from this type of satellites. Others are maintained by NOAA to provide
weather images every 30 minutes of the Earth.
- A data structure that uses rectangular units or grid cells arranged in rows
and columns to represent an area like a field.
grid mapping
- Predetermined locations in a field where soil or plant samples may be
obtained for analysis. The test information
can be used for assessing fertility needs and determining approximate locations
for varying fertilizer and lime applications.
GPS (Global Positioning System)
- A network of satellites controlled by the Defense Department that is designed
to help ground based units determine their current location in latitude and
longitude coordinates. Note that the
term "GPS" is frequently used incorrectly to identify Precision
Farming. GPS is only one technology
that is used in Precision Farming to assist you to return to an exact location
to measure fertility, pests and yield.
ground control point
- An easily identifiable feature with a known location that is used to give a
geographic reference to a point on a yield image.
ground reference data - The
field collection of data that is used in the interpretation of information
gathered from other sources such as a yield image or a remotely sensed
image. Also known as ground truth but
the preferred terminology is ground reference.
guided crop scouting – Assessment
and recording of crop anomaly and conditions on a site-specific basis using a
backpack GPS receiver and hand-held computer.
The system allows the user to record growth stage/maturity, plant vigor,
presence of disease, weed and insect infestation.
hard disk
- A large capacity, mechanical, magnetic, computer storage device that stores
your programs and data.
- The various physical components of an information processing system such as a
computer, view screen, plotters, and printers.
image classification
- Processing techniques which apply quantitative methods to the values in a
digital yield or remotely sensed scene to group pixels with similar digital
number values into feature classes or categories.
- An overused term that applies to the process of entering data into a
computer. Also used to describe the
actual data that are to be entered.
internet - An
international network comprised of many possible dispersed local and regional
computer networks in which one can share information and resources. Developed originally for military and then
academic use, it is now accessible through commercial on-line services to the
general public.
kriging (creeging)
- An interpolation technique for obtaining statistically unbiased estimates of
spatial variation of known points such as surface elevations or yield
measurements utilizing a set of control points.
- A logical separation of mapped information representing common data (e.g.,
roads, soils, yields, vegetative cover, and soil tests).
lat/lon - Refers
to Latitude and Longitude that specifically describes a position on the
earth. Latitude is the north to south
position. Longitude is the east to west
position. Precise locations are
described in degree, minutes and seconds.
The lat/lon of Purdue University is 86 degrees, 55 minutes, 05 seconds
latitude and 40 degrees, 25 minutes, 50 seconds longitude.
- A map section containing explanations of symbols, colors and/or shades that
signify various elements and data values on the map. A yield map will contain a listing of yield values and the color
denoting a range of yields.
LIS (Land Information System)
- A system for describing data about land and its use, ownership and
development. LIS refers to all aspects
of handling the data such as collection, storing, checking, merging,
manipulating, analyzing and displaying.
locational reference
- Referencing data collected by yield monitor, sensor or other method and
relating it to a specific spatial position.
lookup table
- A reference table containing key attribute values that can be linked or
related to data usually collected at a specific location. An example would be physical and chemical
data relating to a soil-mapping unit.
- A list of options displayed by a computer data processing program, from which
the user can select an action to be initiated.
These choices are usually displayed in the form of alphanumeric text but
may be as icons.
- To take two or more maps or data sets and combine them together into a single
coherent map or database without redundant information.
- A term used to describe information about data. Metadata usually includes information on data quality, currency,
lineage, ownership, and feature classification.
- Process of assembling GIS database files for adjacent areas into a single
network -
1. A group of linked computers that are able to share software, data,
and various hardware devices such as printers.
2. A geometric or logical
arrangement of nodes and interconnecting lines.
- Random variations or error in a data set.
Also an unwanted sound coming from the combine.
output -
The product of a computer process and analysis that may be displayed on a
computer screen, or as a printed map or tables of values.
- An aerial photograph that corrects distortion caused by tilt, curvature and
ground relief.
- A term used in remote sensing referring to the fundamental unit of data
collection which is an abbreviation for "picture element". A pixel is represented in a remotely sensed
image as a rectangular cell in an array of data values and contains a data
value that represents a measurement of some real-world feature.
point sampling - A
method of grid sampling in which a sample is taken in a 10-30 foot radius at
the center point of each grid location.
- An area enclosed by a line describing spatial elements, such as a similar
yields range, land use or soil type.
precision farming -
Using the best available technologies to tailor soil and crop management to fit
the specific conditions found within an agricultural field or tract.
raster-to-vector conversion-
A process in which one converts an image such as a yield map of grid cells into
a data set layer of lines and polygons.
RDBMS (Relational Database
Management System) - A database management software system that organizes data into a
series of records that are stored in linked tables. This provides the ability to relate different records, fields and
tables, and aids data access and data transformation.
- A process where one can geometrically align maps or images to allow one to
have corresponding cells or features.
This allows one to relate information from one image to another, or a
map to an image, such as registering a yield image to a soil map to determine
if soils are influencing the yield response.
remote sensing
- The act of detection and/or identification of an object, series of objects,
or landscape without having the sensor in direct contact with the object. The most common forms include color and
color infrared aerial photography, satellite imaging and radar sensing.
- A way of detecting variation. In
remote sensing, one has spatial resolution (the variation caused by distance
separating adjacent pixels), spectral resolution (the variation from the range
of spectral responses covered by a wavelength band), and temporal resolution
(the variation caused by time over the same location).
satellite constellation - A system of 24
satellites that is owned by the US Department of Defense (DOD) that can
determine location to within inches.
There are usually at least 4 of these satellites that are in view 24
hours a day. The DOD can intentionally introduce error into the signal during
national emergencies. This error called
“Selective Availability” would allow an accuracy of approximately 50 yards
without differential correction.
- The ratio or fraction between the distance on a map, chart, or photograph and
the corresponding distance on the ground.
A topographic map has a scale of 1:24,000 meaning that 1-inch on the map
equals 24,000 inches (2,000 feet) on the ground.
site-specific management – Use
of high-tech equipment to enable the farmer/producer to thoroughly assess field
conditions and the applications of inputs to help obtain the best possible
financial return.
- The programs, procedures, algorithms (set of rules), and their associated
documentation, for a computer system.
spatial data
- Data pertaining to the location, shape, and relationship among geographical
thematic map
- A map related to a topic, theme or subject.
These maps emphasize a single topic such as yield, soil type, or land
topologically integrated
geographic encoding and referencing (TIGER) file
- The nationwide digital database developed by the US Bureau of the
Census. TIGER files contain street
addresses and census boundaries with accompanying population statistics.
turn-key system
- A reference to hardware and/or software systems meaning that they are ready
to be used immediately and are designed, provided at a cost and supported by a
commercial group.
UTM (Universal Transverse
Mercator) - A commonly used map
projection that uses a set of transverse mercator projections for the globe
which are divided into 60 zones, each covering 6 degrees longitude. Each zone has an origin of the central
meridian and latitude of 0 degrees.
Variable-rate technology
- Instrumentation such as a variable-rate controller for varying the rates of
application of fertilizer, pesticides and seed as one travels across a field.
- A remote sensing term used to describe a contiguous range of wavelengths of
electromagnetic energy. Visible
wavelengths (seen by the human eye) which range from 400 to 700 nanometers. Near infrared (NIR) wavelengths are at 700
to 2600 nanometers.
yield maps – A
representation of crop yields collected on-the-go by a harvester equipped with
an instantaneous yield monitor. Each location/site (pixel) in a field is
assigned a specific crop yield value.
yield monitoring
- Regular intervals where a harvested weight has been obtained along with a GPS
reading. A display of the weights every
1-3 seconds is translated to bushels/acre or yield providing a yield map. Moisture of the grain is obtained at the
same time.
- To enlarge or decrease the scale of an image that is being displayed. One can “zoom out” of a yield monitor image
and enlarge it in a progressive scaling of the entire image or one can “zoom
in” decreasing the scale.
- A commonly used reference referring to elevation values. The “z direction” refers to upward direction
on a 3-D chart or diagram.
Compiled by Chris J.
Johannsen, Professor of Agronomy, Purdue University, johan@purdue.edu
November, 2000
Acknowledgment: A special thanks to
all the friends and colleagues who provided additions, comments and corrections
to this Glossary, originally published in October, 1995.
Partial funding for this effort received from Stennis Space
Center, (NASA Grant NAG13-00001S).