Poultry Extension Collaborative
Program Description
Poultry welfare is paramount to providing a wholesome and safe food supply, because poultry are the most numerous of farm animals produced on the planet. Worldwide, demand for humanely raised poultry continues to increase, along with the number of animal welfare standards. Various organizations are developing standards for poultry care and welfare, but a poor understanding of the scientific basis of the standards and poor communication of standards result in confusion among poultry producers and the public. Therefore, the Poultry Extension Collaborative was founded to provide science-based information that stakeholders can use to improve the management and welfare of poultry. The information is delivered as part of several key programs aimed at providing training and education around poultry welfare issues and management.
Through annual symposia and monthly newsletters, the PEC group reaches poultry industry representatives, Extension Educators, researchers, students, veterinarians, 4-H youth, and members of the general public from across the US and internationally, including Colombia, Nigeria, Canada, Brazil, the Netherlands, South Korea, Pakistan, Jamaica, Mexico, India, Denmark, and Chile, among others. To date, the PEC group has organized 5 symposia and published 55 articles. Over 83% of participants reported that the symposia enabled them to gain confidence in their abilities to work with people who have an interest in poultry welfare. In addition, 89% of respondents reported that they were encouraged to become more educated about poultry welfare, 94% indicated that they have changed their behavior as a result of what they learned. The PEC group continues to expand, now including faculty from 6 states and reaching over 3700 subscribers worldwide. The PEC group is partnering with Modern Poultry to deliver content to a broader audience.
Contact information
Marisa Erasmus merasmus@purdue.edu
PEC website: https://www.poultry-welfare-extension.com/