VIC Model Code and Tools
This document contains a list with links to GitHub repositories and descriptionsrelevent to users of the VIC model. Repositories are available for anyone with Purdue University credentials. Most have been installed for use by members of PHIG.
If you are a PHIG member and need to set up your account to work with shared resources, please visit the PHIG Config Files GitHub repository for basic .bash_profile
configuration files.
VIC Model Source Code
- Official GitHub repository for the VIC 5 model.
Purdue VIC 4 distribution code (all Purdue development)
- GitHub repository for the Purdue version of the VIC 4 model.
- GitHub repository for the VIC CropSyst model version used for the INCCIA analysis.
- GitHub repository for VIC-CropSyst version 3, which was provided to replace the VIC-CropSyst version that was used for INCCIA.
- NOTE: I do not believe that we have ever gotten this version to work.
- This is a link to the GitHub repository for the NASA LIS-VIC model that Stuart Smith worked on as part of his dissertation.
VIC Supplementary Tools
- GitHub repository for the GIS routing model and the ArcGIS toolset used to set the GIS routing model up for a new watershed.
- GitHub repository for tools to Optimize the VIC model.
- These wrapper scripts will facilitate optimization of many programs, but the documentation is focused on its use with the VIC model.
VIC Precipitation Disaggregation
- GitHub repository for the precipitation disaggregataion toolset developed by Dazhi Mao and Lili Wang.
- Tools use CLIGEN fromt he WEPP package to disagggreate daily precipitation to sub-daily (e.g., hourly).
VIC Data Wrangling Tools
- GitHub repository of tools designed to facilitate the set up of the VIC model.
VIC HDF5 Post-processing Tools
- GitHub repository for tools that convert VIC model output into HDF5 archive files.
- These tools were used for most simulations prior to INCCIA.
- GitHub repository of Python tools, many of which provide useful capabilities for processing and working with VIC model input and output files.
VIC Model Setup Tools
- GitHub repository of tools used to create VIC model input files for the 1/16th degree resolution simulations.
- Created by Charlotte Lee and used by Alka Tiwari.
VIC Lake and Wetland Parameterizations
- GitHub respository of tools to create lake and wetland parameterization files.
VIC Documentation
- Purdue VIC Users Wiki repository
- GitHub repository containing the source documents for this Purdue VIC Model Users Wiki page.