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Purdue VIC Model Development Code

This page documents on-going code development by PHIG members.


Development VIC model code at Purdue has migrated to GitHub, so this site is mostly archival. Those with access, can obtain the latest development code by going to the PHIG Organization page.

Merged VIC Model Development

  • VIC_4.1.2_SEA_SWC_OM_DRAIN_urban.tar.gz.  (Feb 9, 2012, from L. Bowling) Drainage, Soil Organic Matter, Water Table, and Urban: Under Revision

  • VIC_4.1.2_SEA_SWC_OM_DRAIN_urban2.tar.gz. (Feb 15, 2012, from L. Bowling) This is a slightly revised version of the updated urban code.  After following up with Gavin, I have slightly revised the interpretation of the two additional columns in the soil param file. The first is still the bt_ratio the fraction of the bare soil + total impervious class (i.e. non-veg class) that is bare soil. The second has been renamed the EIA_frac.  It is the fraction of TIA that is EIA (e.g. EIA/TIA).  If you have not used Gavin's spatial metric equation to estimate EIA, this column should contain all 1's. bt_ratio alone is used to adjust soil thermal parameters and incoming longwave radiation (note to Keith:  we need to double check where Gavin changed longwave radiation, I am afraid it might not be affecting just the bare soil class). (1 - bt_ratio) * EIA_frac is used to identify the EIA fraction for runoff calculations. I also removed the Anthropogenic heat term from full_energy since it was not being used. I have done only very limited testing.  We do need to run a comparison between this code and Gavin's original code.

  • modified

    • calc_root_fraction.c to fix bug in the calculation of Dsmax with tile drains -  "It would appear that in the calculation of Dsmax in the presence of subsurface drainage, the equation was only using the depth of the third layer when it should actually use the total soil column depth.  I edited my version of the VIC model code and reran the simulations for three tile depths (0.75, 0.85 and 0.95 m).  Drainflow is now higher and water table lower for the three cases versus the original code - plus there is in fact drainflow when d = 0.95."  KAC
  • VIC_4.1.2_SEA_SWC_OM_DRAIN_urban_DWM.tgz (March 16, 2012 from K. Cherkauer) Modified to handle monthly changes in Dsmax to provide a simple method for incorporating drainage water management.  


    When VIC model provided with Nijssen (2001) parameters, Dsmax is calculated within full_energy.c and stored in soil_con->Dsmax, this does not affect the values of Dsmax in veg_con, which is what affects soil drainage with tile drains.  How do we integrate with the Nijssen parameters in the future?  This calculation apparently only occurs if running with excess ice and the soil has subsided.

  • VIC_4.1.2_SEA_SWC_OM_DRAIN_urban_DWM_Mar21.tgz (April 3, 2012 from K. Cherkauer) Latest updates to calc_root_fraction.c represent changes made to the fundamental drainage equations and parameters prior to development of optimized parameters for Sarah's thesis.

Cold regions processes

  • Soil thermal solution (K. Cherkauer & T. Troy, Princeton)
  • Glaciers (B. Naz)

Wetland Hydrology

  • Organic matter fraction (C. Chiu)
  • Water table formulation (C. Chiu)
  • Surface / Groundwater Interactions (L. Bowling & C. Chiu)
  • Net primary productivity and links to external carbon models (T. Bohn, U. Washington & C. Chiu)

Agricultural Management


Development Evaluation Datasets

  • SEPAC_VIC_Simulations.tar Added by S. Rutkowski on 5/15/12 . Input Files for the SEPAC field scale testing of the Subsurface Tile Drainage Algorithm: includes soil and vegetation files, vegetation library, global file, and an hourly ASCII forcing file from 1980 that includes air temperature, windspeed, and precipitation.  These need to be run with the Drainage Water Management VIC Model Code (VIC_4.1.2_SEA_SWC_OM_DRAIN_urban_DWM_Mar21). Weather data specifically from the SEPAC weather station begins on October 8,
    1. Also includes two output files (Drainage on and Drainage off) using the calibrated soil parameter file.
  • UWR_Nora_InputFiles.tar Added by S. Rutkowski on 5/15/12.  This bundle contains input files for the Upper White River at Nora, Indiana set up.  The vegetation parameter file was created in order to differentiate drained and undrained cropland.  Three soil files are included to account for different agricultural management schemes and include a file for conventional tile drainage, drainage water management, and no tile drainage. These need to be run with the Drainage Water Management VIC Model Code (VIC_4.1.2_SEA_SWC_OM_DRAIN_urban_DWM_Mar21). The 12km forcing data for the 38 grids included for this watershed are also located in the bundle.