Most of you
probably heard the news last month that the Purdue-MIT proposal to BP for the
Energy Biosciences Institute was not successful. Obviously,
we were disappointed to say the least.
But I can tell you that we gave it one heck of a shot. As someone once said, I'd much rather be
invited to the dance than not. We were
invited and the Purdue team did a fantastic job in responding to this
opportunity. I want to publicly thank
Clint Chapple for his leadership and express to the entire team my deep
appreciation for all your efforts. We
all learned a great deal about how to assemble large proposals through this
process. Our partners at MIT were
great and I hope we can continue to build on our growing partnership. But BP isn’t the only dance. Nick Carpita led an effort to submit
another very strong proposal to DOE that continues our partnership with MIT
and Harvard. All of your combined work
on this project is much appreciated.
Finally, the Secretary of Agriculture released USDA's recommendation
for the 2007 Farm Bill. It includes a
call for $1.9B in funding for biofuels
research. There are more dances to
come! Cheers, Randy News around Purdue Agriculture Purdue Agriculture
honors distinguished alumni
story: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2007a/070307WoodsonDAA.html Search begins for CES Director & Associate
Dean With Dr.
Dave Petritz’ impending retirement, a search committee has been working
diligently on the task of finding the next Associate Dean and Director of
Purdue Extension. Click on the link below to see the position announcement.
You are encouraged to share it with interested parties. Nominations are
welcome and should be sent to members of the committee: Randy
Woodson (Dean and committee chair) Craig
Beyrouty (Agronomy) Greg Bossaer ( Sarah
Burke ( Sam
Cordes (CES and Engagement) Vickie
Hadley ( Mark
Hilton (Vet Medicine) Bill
Johnson (Botany and Plant Pathology) Kevin
Keener (Food Science) Mike
Manning (Northwest District Director) Maria
Marshall (Ag Economics) Renee
McKee (4-H Youth) Kris
Parker ( Alan
Sutton (Animal Sciences) Rick Widdows (Consumer Sciences and Retailing) Karen Zotz (CFS Engagement) Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer (IPIA) Sonny
Ramaswamy (ARP) Dale
Whittaker (OAP) Position
announcement: http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/in_focus/2007/March2007/CESPositionAnnouncement.htm
NRC Surveys are in! Thanks to all the Agriculture
faculty who took the time to complete the faculty questionnaires related to
the NRC survey of research doctorate programs. Thanks to your efforts, we had
nearly 90% participation across the College.
Special thanks to those in the areas of Biochemistry, Animal Sciences,
and Agronomy-Soils, where we had 100% participation! Undergraduate Research and Poster
Symposium The
Undergraduate Research and Poster Symposium is fast
approaching. The event takes place on the afternoon of Wednesday, April
4 in the PMU Ballrooms. Students from the Click
here to sign up: http://www.science.purdue.edu/current_students/research_day/registration/judges.asp Program grows new crop of leaders
Carl Huetteman
joins ARP
faculty sponsor special lecture and workshop The
STEM Women Faculty Group will sponsor a lecture by Dr. Abigail Stewart, the
Sandra Schwartz Tangri Distinguished University
Professor at the Tecumseh Project introduces Native
American graduate education program A new Alfred P.
Sloan Foundation-funded program to support Native American graduate education
in the STEM disciplines has been initiated through the Tecumseh Project
initiative to increase the number of Native American students at Purdue.
Beginning this semester, Native American students entering Masters and PhD
programs in the STEM disciplines can qualify to receive a stipend directly
from the Sloan Foundation, and current Purdue MS students qualify for the
program if they decide to enter a PhD program. Qualified Master’s students
receive a total stipend of $31,100 and PhD students receive $38,500. Native
American students interested in graduate study should contact George Parker (gparker@purdue.edu). Purdue
Agriculture funds research tied to state initiatives Twelve Purdue
research projects will split more than a quarter of a million dollars in an
effort to find solutions to some key agricultural concerns in Full
story: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2007a/070306MartinMog.html
Purdue names
director of utility forecasting group
Full story: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2007a/070219PreckelSUFG.html
Andy Tao uses nanoparticle to discover disease-causing proteins
Full story: http://www.biochem.purdue.edu/news/external-pdf/02212007-tao.pdf
New faces in the Business Office Beth Siple, former Business Manager for Ag
& Bio Engineering/Food Science, has accepted the newly created
Agricultural Pre-Award Manager position in the Ag. Field Office. She
will assist with proposal development on the front end of the process so the
issues are resolved earlier. Beth is currently located in the Ag. Adam Knust began his responsibilities as the
Business Manager for Ag & Bio Engineering/Food Science on February
13. He is a Purdue graduate from the Krannert
School of Management and a welcome addition to the Ag. Business Office
family. Karil Sommers, former Account Clerk for Ag. Communication
Services/Youth Development & Ag. Education, has accepted the position of
Account Clerk for IPIA. This is a half time position which allows
Karil the opportunity to complete her degree. Sherry Honn has replaced Cathy Rooze as Business Assistant in the Department of
Biochemistry and Office of the Indiana State Chemist. Sherry comes to
the department with 14 years of Purdue experience including the last 5 years
in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences as an Account Clerk.
She is married and lives in Business office vacancies Account
Clerk – Ag & Bio Engineering Account
Clerk – Ag Communication Services/Youth Dev & Ag Ed Account
Clerk – Agronomy Account
Clerk/International Programs– Ag Field Office Account Clerk
– Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Angus Murphy
(Horticulture and Landscape Architecture), Shawn Donkin (Animal Sciences) and Osvaldo Campanella
(Agricultural and Biological Engineering) have been named 2007 University
Faculty Scholars. Select associate and full professors who have been
tenured within the last five years are awarded this distinction in
recognition of their scholarship. Faculty scholars, who are nominated by
committees from their schools and approved by the provost, receive additional
funding to support their research. The program was created in 1998. Jianxin Ma,
Agronomy, research is featured on the cover of this month's issue of Trends
in Genetics, a premier genetics journal. Gerald Shively, Agricultural Economics, has been named the recipient of the
2007 Ag Research Award The Ag Research Award Ceremony will be held April 12
at 2:00 p.m. in the Dean’s Auditorium, Pfendler. Wayne
Singleton, Professor Emeritus of
Animal Sciences, received the National Pork Board’s Distinguished Service
Award for lifelong contributions to the pork industry. Dr. Singleton is well
known for his pioneering work in advancing swine reproduction techniques. He
was a pioneer in the successful use of swine artificial insemination, which
allowed the extended use of superior sires and significantly improved market
hog and carcass quality. He retired from Cliff Weil, Agronomy, has
been elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science. Deadlines Nominations
are invited for the 2007 Mark your calendar
March 30 – April 1: Hoosier Horse Fair at the March 31: April 4: Undergraduate Research and Poster
Symposium featuring students from a number of colleges. South Ballroom of the Purdue Memorial April 13: Celebration for the Center for
Student Achievement and Leadership at 2:00 PM in AGAD. Contact Mike Irvin at 494-8672 for more
information. April
14: Animal Sciences 1996-2006 GraduatesYoung Alumni and Family
Reunion at the Animal Sciences Boiler Barnyard, 5:00-7:00 p.m. RSVP
by March 30 to delks@purdue.edu April 14 & 15: Spring Fest.
Information: http://www.extension.purdue.edu/sfest/
or contact Danica Kirkpatrick (dkirkpat@purdue.edu)
April 15: Agriculture Awards Reception, 2:00
p.m., PMU North Ballroom. Sponsored by the Agricultural Council to honor
students and staff for outstanding achievement. Contact Contact Tracie Egger at 494-8470 for more
information. April 15-18: Twelfth Discover
Conference on Food Animal Agriculture: Integrating Nutritional Management
into Environmental Stewardship, Abe Martin Lodge, April 28:
Earth Day University News Purdue, IU researchers
collaborate on life sciences, biomedical initiatives Ten teams at
Purdue and Indiana universities will receive $50,000 each for research
ranging from efforts to improve detection of colon cancer to creating precise
3-D models of the molecular structure of viruses. Three projects are part of
the second round of the Collaborations in Life Sciences and Informatics
Research competition, which is funded by Purdue and IU. Seven other teams
were funded through the Collaborations in Biomedical Research program, which
supports research between faculty at Purdue and the Indiana University School
of Medicine. Full story: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2007a/070307RutledgeResearch.html
Purdue takes
knowledge about spinal cord regeneration to Two Full
story: http://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2007a/070308BorgensChina.html