
This is a very, very big issue of In Focus, but that's a good thing, because this issue is devoted entirely to celebrating all our award winners in the College of Agriculture.
Congratulations to all of our award and recognition recipients, and thanks to all of those who supported our winners in the classroom, put together award nominations, or were involved in the process in some way. And of course, if we missed any award winners, let us know!
As we come to the end of another busy semester, thanks very much to all of you for all you do for Purdue Agriculture. Have a great summer!
All the best,
CIC – Academic Leadership Program Fellows
Rebecca Doerge, Agronomy
Linda Mason, Entomology
Fellowship for Study in a Second Discipline, 2009-10
Jim Forney, Biochemistry
Provost Fellow
Melba Crawford, Agronomy
Provost’s Award for Outstanding Faculty mentor
Rebecca Doerge, Agronomy
Faculty Scholars, 2010-15
Scott Briggs, Biochemistry
Joseph Irudayaraj, ABE
Dev Niyogi, Agronomy
President, University Faculty Senate
Joan Fulton, Agricultural Economics
2010 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award in Memory of Charles B. Murphy
Paul Siciliano, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Herbert Newby McCoy Award for Excellence in Research
David Salt, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Award for Excellence in Distance Learning
Jane Frankenberger, ABE
Laura Esman, ABE
Brent Ladd, Center for the Environment
Diversity Resource Office “Diversity at Work” Certificate
Ryan Cabot, Animal Sciences
Linda Mason, Entomology
Senior Fellow, Purdue University Teaching for Tomorrow Award (2009-10)
Rob Sovinski, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Committee for the Education of Teaching Assistants (CETA) Teaching Award
Monica Elmore, Animal Sciences
Entrepreneurial Leadership Academy
Catherine Hill, Entomology, Fellow
Amy Lossie, Animal Sciences, Fellow
Joseph Garner, Animal Sciences, Scholar
Jennifer Dennis, Agricultural Economics and Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, 2010-11
2010 Learning Outcomes Assessment Grant, Office of the Provost
Pamala Morris, Assistant Dean and Director of Multicultural Programs
Purdue Chapter Gamma Sigma Delta Awards
Mike Schutz, Animal Sciences: Award of Merit for Research, Teaching and Outreach
Lisa Mauer, Food Science: Award of Merit for Research and Outreach
Kevin Keener, Food Science: Award of Merit for Research, Teaching and Outreach
Jacob Smoker, Agricultural Economics: Senior Scholarship Award
Andrew King, Animal Sciences: Sophomore Scholarship Award
Agriculture students honored at the Purdue Black Caucus of Faculty and Staff 35th Annual Academic and Service Award Program
Freshmen: Morgan Murff, Breeanna Walker
Sophomore: Camille Applewhite
Junior: Shalyse Tindell
Seniors: Jasmine Coe, Caleb Pearson
Agriculture students recognized by the Black Graduate Association:
Kendra Arrington, Agricultural Economics
Joseph Chaney Jr., Biochemistry
Distinguished Professors
Mike Boehlje, Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics
Ray Bressan, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Distinguished Professor of Agriculture
Clint Chapple, Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry
Natalia Dudareva, Distinguished Professor of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Gebisa Ejeta, Distinguished Professor of Agronomy
Michael Hasegawa, Dr. Bruno C. Moser Distinguished Professor in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Thomas Hertel, Agricultural Economics, Distinguished Professor of Agriculture
Jules Janick, James Troop Distinguished Professor of Horticulture
Mike Ladisch, Distinguished Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Herb Ohm, Distinguished Professor of Agronomy
Named Professors
Jay Akridge, Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture
Melba Crawford, Chair of Excellence in Earth Observation within the College of Agriculture and Engineering
Natalia Dudareva, Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Research
Bruce Hamaker, Whistler Chair in the Department of Food Science
Scott Jackson, Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Research
Philip Nelson, Scholle Chair in Food Processing
Torbert Rocheford, Patterson Endowed Chair in Translational Genomics for Crop Improvement
Bernie Tao, Indiana Soybean Board Professor of Soybean Utilization
Mitch Tuinstra, Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Research
Wally Tyner, James and Lois Ackerman Professor of Agricultural Economics
Richard L. Kohls Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
Paul Siciliano, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Richard L. Kohls Early Career Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Jim Clemens, Biochemistry
David C. Pfendler Outstanding Undergraduate Counselor
John Lumkes, Ag and Biological Engineering
Outstanding Graduate Educator
Bruce Hamaker, Food Science
Outstanding Service to Students
Linda Hawkins, Forestry and Natural Resources
IAEE Certificate of Distinction
Lori Barber, OAP
Shelly Dunk, OAP
PUCESA Senior Award
Fred Whitford, Botany and Plant Pathology
Outstanding Senior
Erin Kischuk, Biochemistry
Outstanding Junior
Rachel Schluttenhofer, Biochemistry
Outstanding Sophomore
Emily Hirsch, Agribusiness Management
Outstanding Freshman
Gabriel Rangel, Biochemistry
College of Agriculture winners at the annual Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium:
Elizabeth Sloffer (FS)—Best Abstract in Life Sciences—“Accumulation of dietary catechins by Caco-2 human intestinal cells is influenced by extent of differentiation”
Seth Harden (FNR)—1st Place Humanities/Social Science—“Understanding Landowners’ Viewpoints on the Usefulness of Different Communication Methods Regarding Government Land Conservation Programs”
Lu Zhang (BCHM)—1st Place Life Science—“Role of histone methylation in yeast pathogenesis”
Nikki VanDerLaan (ENTM)—COA Dean’s Choice Award—“Chemically-mediated and host colonization behavior of the peach bark beetle”
Courtney Hinesley (BCHM)—COA Dean’s Choice Award—“Cytokine Inhibition of Feline Herpesvirus and Calicivirus”
College of Agriculture TEAM Award winners:
Janet S. Ayres, Agricultural Economics
Michael D. Boehlje, Agricultural Economics
Jimmy Bricker, Purdue Extension, Benton County
Jane W. Brown, Agricultural Communication
Larry DeBoer, Agricultural Economics
Paul D. Ebner, Animal Sciences
Beth A. Forbes, Agricultural Communication
Alan Grant, Animal Sciences
Jane R. Frankenberger, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Albert J. Heber, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Russ J. Merzdorf, Agricultural Communication
Brad C. Joern, Agronomy
Dean Jones, Purdue Extension
Don D. Jones, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Roman M. Keeney, Agricultural Economics
Steve Leer, Agricultural Communication
Kevin T. McNamara, Agricultural Economics
Tamilee D. Nennich, Animal Sciences
Bryan Overstreet, Purdue Extension, Jasper County
Phillip R. Owens, Agronomy
Chris W. Sigurdson, Agricultural Communication
Dan Ess: 2009-2010 ABE Outstanding Department Teacher – Agriculture
Gary Krutz:2009-2010 ABE Outstanding Department Teacher – Engineering
John Lumkes:2009-2010 ABE Outstanding Department Counselor
Indrajeet Chaubey: 2009-2010 ABE Ag Outstanding Graduate Educator
Micky Creech: 2009-2010 ABE AG Outstanding Service to Students Award
Ganesan Narsimhan, Agricultural and Biological Engineering: 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Fellow Award
Don Jones, Agricultural and Biological Engineering: 2009 Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) Alpha Lambda Chapter Distinguished Service Recognition Award – Don Jones.
Scott Brand and Denise Heath, Agricultural and Biological Engineering: 2009 Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) Alpha Lambda Chapter Meritorious Support Service Recognition Award –.
Rabi Mohtar, Agricultural and Biological Engineering: 2010 ASABE Kishida International Award
Tim Meier, Erin Rosswurm, Janie Stine and Matt Wolfe, all seniors in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, earned $10,000 with their winning version of a chilidog in the Sara Lee Innovation Award competition.
Kyle Probst, Lindsay Birt, and Jayne Piepenburg, Majdi Abou-Nahjm and Dr. Martin Okos, an interdisciplinary team from the Agricultural and Biological Engineering and Environmental Science departments won the EPA-People, Planet, and Prosperity Honorable Mention award in Washington, D.C. for their research on Reduction of Water Consumption and Pollution in the Corn Masa Production Process.
Carroll County Ag Hall of Fame: Janet Ayres
R. Dean Dyson Scholarship
Kevin Stumler
Gerald and Joan Gentry Scholarship
Eric Johnson
Michelle Steinbarger
Jim Hicks and Company Scholarship
Leslie Byers
Brittania Cassiday
Laura Donaldson
Kim Hoeing
Kyle Maple
Carissa McCay
Jamie Steiner
Beau Williamson
Indiana Society of Agri-Bankers Award
Carissa McCay
Emily Hirsch
Indiana Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Carissa McCay
Marshall A. Martin Public Policy Scholarship
Renee Foltz
F. Van Smith Scholarship
Sarah Jordan
Outstanding Freshman: Ann Bechman
Outstanding Sophomore: Emily Hirsch
Outstanding Junior: Jamie Steiner
Top Senior Scholar: Ryan Rippy; Samuel Clark
Outstanding Senior: Jacob Smoker
Kim Hoeing elected President, Purdue Foundation Student Board
Kendra Arrington, graduate student, presented her research, “An Evaluation of Consumer Segments for Farmers’ Markets in Indiana and Illinois” in competition with other students from across the U.S. in the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Graduate Oral Research Competition—Division II and was the First Place winner.
Purdue Soils Team, NACTA Collegiate Soils Contest
First Place Team
Cody Fink – First Place Individual
Ann Bechman – Second Place Individual
Josh Iddings – Third Place Individual
Colton Yoder – Seventh Place Individual
Fifth Place Team
D.J. Graper
Jeff Fischer
John Scott
Daniel Robinson
Other Purdue Participants
Lori Nussbaum
Quin Stilwell
Danielle Atkins
Jacob Harden
Gary Steinhardt
Cathy Egler
Poultry Science Association (PSA) Awards:
Todd Applegate, American Feed Industry Association Assoc. Poultry Nutrition Award and Maple Leaf Farms Duck Research Award
Patricia (Scotti) Hester, PSA Fellow and Poultry Welfare Research Award
Joe Garner, PSA Early Achievement Award
Layi Adeola, Evonik Degussa Award
American Society of Animal Sciences (ASAS) Awards:
Alan Sutton, ASAS Fellow
Rosangela Poletto, ASAS Young Scholar
Joshua Jendza, ASAS Young Scholar
Heather White, Graduate Director on ASAS Board
Scott Radcliffe, President-Elect of Midwest ASAS
Patrick Gunn, Graduate Program Committee Midwest ASAS/ADSA
American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Award:
Jeffery Bewley, ADSA Young Dairy Science Scholar
Society of the Study of Reproduction (SSR) Award:
Ryan Cabot, New Investigator Award
NACTA Awards:
Mark Russell, NACTA Eastern Regional Outstanding Teacher Award
Heather White, NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award
Monica Pittman Elmore, NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award
PUCESA Awards:
Ron Lemenager, Special Extension Award
Alan Sutton, Career Award
Mark Russell, Epsilon Sigma Phi Visionary Leadership Recognition.
Layi Adeola, appointed member of National Research Council committee for Nutrient Requirements of Swine
Shihaun Kuang, Visiting Professor, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science
Patricia (Scotti) Hester, NCSU Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Scott Radcliffe, VPI&SU Department of Animal Science Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award and College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award.
Outstanding Senior: Erin Kischuk
Outstanding Junior: Rachel Schluttenhofer
Outstanding Sophomore: Betheny Moore
Outstanding Freshman: Gabriel Rangel
Recognized as members of the “400 Club” for their excellence in academics: Jeff Dick, Kendra Hedge, Jing Liu, Gabe Rangel, Amanda Smith, Zinan Zhou, Megan Schnur, Xiwei Yan, Lu Zhang and Erin Kischuk.
Nick Carpita: Fellow of the American Society of Plant Biologists
Vince Davis, Ph.D. student with Dr. Bill Johnson (Aug 2009 grad): WSSA Outstanding Graduate Student for 2009.
Bill Johnson, Botany and Plant Pathology:
2010 Outstanding Extension Weed Scientist Award – Weed Science Society of America (WSSA)
2010 Advisor of WSSA Outstanding Ph.D. Student – Weed Science Society of America (WSSA)
2009 Educator of the Year – Mid America CropLife Association
Paul Marquardt, Ph.D. student with Dr. Bill Johnson: first place paper graduate award at the WSSA in December 2009.
Pattie Quackenbush, M.S. student with Dr. Kevin Gibson: Best Poster Award at the Invasive Plant Network/The Stewardship Network Joint Conference in January 2010. Pattie also recently received the highly competitive and prestigious Andrews Environmental Travel Grant.
Andy Robinson, Ph.D. student with Dr. Bill Johnson: President, Purdue Graduate Student Government. Also named as having “One of the Worst Jobs in Science” by Popular Science Magazine.
Jessica Schafer, M.S. student with Dr. Steve Hallett and Dr. Bill Johnson: second place paper graduate award at the WSSA in December 2009.
Gary Bennett: Educational Video for Youth Award
Greg Hunt: University Faculty Scholar
Tom Turpin: Educational Video for Youth Award; Entomological Foundation Medal of Honor; Entomological Foundation Medal of Honor
Rick Foster: International IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Excellence Award
Grzegorz Buczkowski: ESA Stinger Award Nomination; Entomological Foundation Medal of Honor
Melissa Shepson: Educational Video for Youth Award
Amanda Pendleton: Outstanding Service to Students in Entomology
Vicki Cassens: Lifetime Achievement Award - NPIRS (National Pesticide Information Retrieval System)
Charles Bacon: Outstanding Service Award in Entomology
Graduate Students:
Katie England: OVEA 2nd Place - MS Paper Presentation
Marissa McDonough:OVEA 3rd Place - PhD Paper Presentation
Matt Paschen: OVEA 1st Place - MS Paper Presentation
Kapil Raje: OVEA 2nd Place - PhD Paper Presentation; Graduate Teaching Certificate
Janice Van Zee: Purdue Graduate Student Government Travel Award
Faith Weeks: OVEA 3rd Place - MS Paper Presentation
Gladys Andino: Preservation of Honey Bees Scholarship
Gloria Giraldo-Calderon: ESA 1st Place - Oral Presentation
Alex Murphy: Kenneth and Barbara Starks Plant Resistance to Insects Graduate Student Research Award
Marissa McDonough: Bilsland Fellowship
Emily Shebish: CETA Teaching Award
Post Docs:
Jason Meyer: Honorable Mention "ASTMH Young Investigator" competition
Philip Morton: International Congress on Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology (ICINN) Student Recognition Award
Nicole VanderLaan: OVEA 1st Place - BS Paper Presentation
Steven Smith: Agricultural Research Fund Scholarship
Kevin Norman: Outstanding Junior in Entomology
Rebecca Rose: Outstanding Sophomore in Entomology
Tyler Stewart: Outstanding Freshman in Entomology
Nicole VanDerLaan: Outstanding Senior in Entomology
Arun Bhunia – Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) 2009 Research and Development Award
Mario Ferruzzi – IFT 2010 Samuel Cate Prescott Award (young researcher award)
Bruce Hamaker – College of Agriculture Outstanding Graduate Educator Award; Outstanding Graduate Educator in Food Science
Kevin Keener - Purdue Sharvelle Extension Award; Harold Macy Food Science Award (from Minnesota Section IFT)
Rich Linton – Outstanding Alumnus for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech; appointed to advisory council of the Global Food Safety Institute
Phil Nelson – Selected to serve on FDA Food Advisory Committee
David Nivens – Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher in Food Science for 2009
Mark Morgan – Outstanding Undergraduate Counselor in Food Science for 2009
Donna Keener – Outstanding Service to Students Award for Food Science for 2009
Virginia Wright - Outstanding Freshman in Food Science
Kallen Hovland – Outstanding Sophomore in Food Science
Stacey Hirt – Outstanding Junior in Food Science
Morgan Goodall – Outstanding Senior in Food Science
Sarah Verkamp – 400 Club Member (4.0 GPA)
Belinda Christina – 400 Club Member (4.0 GPA)
Amanda Bettasso – B.J. Liska Award for Outstanding Teaching Assistant for Fall 2009
Elizabeth Sloffer – Outstanding Abstract in Life Science, Undergraduate Poster Competition
Kelly Garrett, graduate secretary, is one of the 2010 Mortar Board Rose Award recipients.
John B. Dunning, Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
Gene Rhodes, Outstanding Graduate Educator Award
Linda L. Hawkins, Outstanding Service to Students Award
Rod N. Williams, Outstanding Counselor Award
Jessica Rodkey, Outstanding Freshman Award
Randy Knapik, Outstanding Sophomore Award
Gary M. Hoover, Outstanding Junior Award
Keith Norris, Outstanding Senior Award
Preston Sipe, Gary Hoover, Zach Arnold, FAS Academic Merit Awards
Scott Sorensen, Lexis Butler, Amanda Smith, David Steen, Forestry Academic Merit Awards
Kara Osborne, Chad Shoultz, Rita Blythe, Wildlife Academic Merit Awards
Jenna Saltanovitz, James Plourde, NRPDM Academic Merit Awards
Ben Parker, WPMT Leadership Award
Jessica Rodkey, Cody Rhoden, Glenn R. Allison Scholarship
Grant Tryon, Anthony Sipes, Chad Shoultz, Holwager Memorial Scholarship
Patrick Miller, Rachel Eckart, Seth Harden, Ewbank-Bishop Scholarship
Amanda Smith, Roy C. Brundage Memorial Scholarship
Andy Ritter, Pike Lumber Company Scholarship
Val Clarkston, Fischer Forestry Fund Graduate Student Scholarship
Shaneka Lawson, Charles H. Michler Scholarship
Michelle Dudley, Bill and Helen Swain Forest Products Award
Andy Ritter, Seth Harden, Burton F. Swain Forestry Achievement Award
David Steen, Indiana SAF Senior Award
Alicia Aldridge, Vine & Branch, Inc. Excellence in Urban Forestry Award
Sarah Tuttle, Durward Allen Memorial Award
Jim Beasley, Kirkpatrick Memorial Graduate Student Award
Margo Wagner, L. David Mech Distinguished Undergraduate Research Award
Keith Norris, William A. Rafferty Award
Keith Norris, Wildlife Leadership Award
Keith Norris, Stanley Coulter Leadership Award
Andrew Bagnara, Grant Tryon, 400 Club Members (4.0 GPA)
Kristin Bahleda, Seth Harden, Keith Norris, Leadership Development Certificate Awards
Awards from the FNR Research Symposium:
First Place: Tim Smyser
Second Place: James Beasley
Third Place: Anna Fahey
First Place: Sarah Dumyahn
Second Place: Lisa Worthen
First Place: Matthew Caldwell
Second Place: Justin Arseneault
Third Place: Jami MacNeil
First Place: Brian Bailey
Second Place: Andrea Currylow
First Place: Chad Shoultz
Second Place: Courtney Blouzdis
Third Place: Amanda Farlow
First Place: James Plourde
Second Place: Seth Harden
Norman Best, undergraduate: 2nd Place, Undergraduate Poster Competition, American Society of Plant Biologists, Midwest Meeting, April 2010 for his poster “ A pharmacological approach to isolate brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling mutants in maize”
Ryan Cambridge, undergraduate: 2009 Purdue University Frederick Law Olmsted Scholar, Landscape Architecture Foundation Olmsted Scholars Program
Chris Currey, graduate student, selected as one of six OFA Scholars in 2010. The OFA Association of Horticulture Professionals provides an enrichment experience for graduate students in floriculture that includes professional development activities, educational experiences, and mentorship by industry leaders.
Michael Dana: 2009 Teaching Award from the American Horticultural Society
Natalia Dudareva: Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Ryan Jacobson, undergraduate: 2010 Purdue University Frederick Law Olmsted Scholar, Landscape Architecture Foundation Olmsted Scholars Program
Jules Janick: Hall of Fame, American Society for Horticultural Science
Matthew Jenks: Fulbright Scholar for 2009-10
Michael Long, graduate student: 2010 Committee for the Education of Teaching Assistants (CETA) Teaching Award, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, HLA
Marshall Porterfield: President-Elect of American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology (ASGSB) for 2010-11
David Salt: The science education game Genomics Digital Lab: Plant Cells (GDL), co-developed with Tommy Sors and Jon Bricker in collaboration with subcontractor Spongelab Interactive, won First Place in the National Science Foundation / AAAS Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge in the category of Interactive Media in 2009. The GDL also was the winner of the 2010 World Summit Awards (a global initiative to select and promote the world's best e-Content and innovative educational applications).
Burkhard Schulz (and his students from HORT 301): Recognized by for creation of two award-winning plant biology videos. Their video “PSI-Are my soybeans wearing different genes?” won first prize while their video “Pigment” received Honorable Mention in a competition organized by American Society for Plant Biology (ASPB). Both videos were scripted, produced, and acted by students in HORT 301 (Plant Physiology).
Jacob Smoker: 1st Place ($20,000), Undergraduate Student Division of the 23rd Annual Burton D. Morgan Business Plan Competition for a concept plan by their company, TerraSolutions LLC, for developing a biodegradable, cork-like material for flooring, insulation and other uses from the waste and byproducts of ethanol production. Award announced February 23, 2010.
2010 Certificates of Merit, American Society of Landscape Architects
Matthew Blackburn
Laura Huggler
Aaron Legg
2010 Certificates of Honor, American Society of Landscape Architects
Ryan Jacobson
Cory Morris
Malarie Pearce
Rachel Demaree, Sophomore: 2010 Indianapolis 500 Festival Princess.
Robert Hays, Junior: elected as the College of Agriculture's student government senator.
College of Agriculture Scrapbook Award – Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators – Purdue (IAAE-Purdue) 3rd place
College of Agriculture Points Plus Award – ACT 2nd place
2nd Runner Up Innovative Poster Session, American Association for Agricultural Education – North Central Region. Talbert, B. A., Balschweid, M. A., & Gottschalk, D. (2009, September). Jamaica: Dawn of a new beginning. Poster presentation in Proceedings of the 2009 North Central Agricultural Education Research Conference. Lincoln, NE.