Please join us in congratulating these faculty and staff members who have earned promotion in rank this year:
Associate Professor to Professor
Cale Bigelow, Agronomy
Jeffrey Dukes, Forestry and Natural Resources
Kevin Gibson, Botany and Plant Pathology
Maria Marshall, Agricultural Economics
Dev Niyogi, Agronomy
Mike Scharf, Entomology
Maria SepĂșlveda, Forestry and Natural Resources
Andy Tao, Biochemistry
Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
Kola Ajuwon, Animal Sciences
Songlin Fei, Forestry and Natural Resources
Reuben Goforth, Forestry and Natural Resources
Ian Kaplan, Entomology
Jiqin Ni, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Maria Fernanda San Martin-Gonzalez, Food Science
David Umulis, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Andrea Vacca, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Nicole Widmar, Agricultural Economics
Adjunct Associate Professor to Adjunct Professor
Douglas Smith, Agronomy
Administrative Professional Staff
To Rank 6
Candy Byers, Animal Sciences
Amy Cochran, Agricultural Economics
Tom Creswell, Botany and Plant Pathology
Jay Kelley, Office of the Indiana State Chemist
Anna Olek, Botany and Plant Pathology
Becky Rice, Agriculture Administration
Kevin Smith, Agricultural Communication
Thomas Smith, Office of the Indiana State Chemist
Laurie Swift, Food Science
Anna Whipkey, Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
To Rank 5
Ginger Batta, Agricultural Economics
Michelle Creech, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Amy Dietrich, Botany and Plant Pathology
Wright Frazier, Agricultural Communication
Nishee Johnson, Agriculture Information Technology
Hana Hall, Biochemistry
James Kruse, CERIS
Joseph Levell, Biochemistry
Mark Moehlman, Office of the Indiana State Chemist
Dennis Nowaskie, Purdue Agricultural Centers
Amanda Pendleton, Entomology
Tom Pluimer, Agronomy
Keith Robinson, Agricultural Communication
Mark Sobers, Office of the Indiana State Chemist
Anton Terekhov, Food Science
To Rank 4
Angel Aguiar, Agricultural Economics
Nolan Anderson, Botany and Plant Pathology
Tamara Benjamin, Botany and Plant Pathology
Jane Bisher, Agriculture Business Office
Betty Bugusu, Food Science
Robert Chapman, Forestry and Natural Resources
Kristyn Childres, Agricultural Economics
Diana Evans, Forestry and Natural Resources
John Fansler, Agricultural Economics
Carolyn Foley, Forestry and Natural Resources
Abby Hostetler, Agricultural Communication
Julie Huetteman, Purdue Extension
Elizabeth Jackson, Forestry and Natural Resources
Travis Legleiter, Botany and Plant Pathology
Duan Liu, CERIS
Deb Lubelski, Botany and Plant Pathology
Tyson McFall, Botany and Plant Pathology
Cindy Music, CERIS
Shelly Surber, Agricultural Economics
Jason Thorne, Agricultural Communication
Kenny Wilson, Agricultural Communication
Ryan Wynkoop, Youth Development and Agricultural Education