April 2016

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From the Dean

Jay AkridgeApril may well be the most exciting (and busiest) month of the academic year. With the semester drawing to a close and spring weather arriving, the end-of-year celebrations and College traditions are in full swing. And, last week may well have been the most exciting week of the most exciting month. Here is a sampling of the extraordinary week we had in the College:

* If you didn’t know it was Ag Week, you were away from campus and traveling somewhere without Internet. This celebration of the agricultural industry and our College gets better every year! A dialogue with our President and the CEO of Land O’ Lakes, packing 70,000 meals for Haiti, a free concert, more than 30 student clubs staffing educational exhibits – entirely planned and delivered by our students. Truly priceless.

* Cate Hill, professor of entomology, and our Women in Agriculture Faculty group hosted the ADVANCE luncheon for women in STEM. Cate led an excellent discussion on micro aggressions with the 70 or so faculty members from across the campus who attended.

* Purdue Dining and Catering worked with the College (thanks Department of Food Science!) and the Indiana Soybean Alliance on a project evaluating high oleic soybean oil in the Hillenbrand Dining Court. A great crowd of Indiana farmers was on hand for an event celebrating the successful test.

* We gave our first ever College PK-12 Engagement awards. Some great work was nominated and recognized and the event shone a spotlight on this important area for the College. Kudos to Neil Knobloch of Youth Development and Agricultural Education for making this happen.

* President Daniels helped us kick off the World Food Prize Youth Institute. Now in its sixth year, this event continues to grow, with 66 students on campus to present their research papers on food security issues. More than 400 students across our state wrote research papers this year, compared to just over 300 last year. Big, big thanks to Kelly Delp, Donna Keener, and Amy Jones for their enthusiastic leadership of this important program.

* The Office of Academic Programs hosted Escape to Purdue, a recruiting event focused on Beering, Trustee, and Presidential scholars. The 21 students who attended shadowed student hosts for the day—going to class, eating in a dining court, and seeing the sites at Purdue. I hope we will see all of these young men and women in the fall!

* Former College of Agriculture Dean Bob Thompson delivered an outstanding talk on the changing geopolitics of agriculture to a packed house at the 42nd Annual Snyder Lecture hosted by the Department of Agricultural Economics.

* Dr. Pam Morris, Assistant Dean and Director of the Office Multicultural Programs, chaired the Black Caucus of Faculty and Staff awards ceremony – a wonderful celebration of our African-American students on campus.

* Josh Bledsoe, COO of National FFA, was on campus to keynote the Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators (IAAE) banquet on Saturday night.

* And, last but certainly not least, we hosted Spring Fest. I can’t recall a Spring Fest weekend where both days were so beautiful and the crowds were so huge! There are no words strong enough to properly thank Danica Kirkpatrick and every single one of you involved in making this extraordinary event happen. It literally takes an army to accomplish the giant task of rolling out the welcome mat for the community and engaging the thousands of young people who were on campus over the weekend. Who knows how many future scientists were created as the many, many educational activities fired the imaginations of the next generation.

I have not even come close to capturing everything that happened last week. Clint Chapple delivered his Distinguished Professor renewal seminar; the Food Science department completed a successful external review; many graduate students held thesis defenses; and much more. My apologies to those I didn’t highlight here. Please know the role each of you play in planning and delivering all of these activities and so many more is much, much appreciated. Good luck to each of you as we wrap up the academic year!

All the best,



Purdue Agriculture People

New Head for Entomology Named

Stephen Cameron, associate professor and discipline leader (equivalent to deputy head of department) at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane Australia, has been appointed professor and head of the Department of Entomology, effective August 3. Dr. Cameron received his doctorate in taxonomy and phylogeny and a bachelor’s degree in parasitology and entomology from the University of Queensland. He did post-doctoral work at the University of Queensland, followed by another post-doc at Brigham Young University, before he served as a senior research scientist at the Australian National Insect Collection.  He went on to become a faculty member and discipline leader in the School of Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences at Queensland. "Dr. Cameron is an insightful scholar with a breadth of experience that will translate well in our Department of Entomology," said Dean Jay Akridge. "I am very excited about the future of the department under Dr. Cameron’s leadership. I also want to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Steve Yaninek for his fifteen+ years of service as department head – he has been a passionate and effective leader and advocate for the Department of Entomology during his tenure."


Wagner named Head of Forestry and Natural Resources

Bob WagnerRobert Wagner, Henry W. Saunders Distinguished Professor in Forestry and Director of the Center for Research on Sustainable Forests (CRSF) and Cooperative Forestry Research (CFRU) at the University of Maine, has been appointed professor and head of Purdue’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, effective October 1. He succeeds Rob Swihart, who is returning to his faculty role after serving as department head since 2004. Dr. Wagner received his bachelor's degree in forest management from Utah State University, his master’s in forest ecology/ silviculture from the University of Washington, and his PhD in silviculture/vegetation management from Oregon State University. He served as a program leader and senior scientist at the Ontario Forest Research Institute in Ontario Canada before joining the faculty in the School of Forest Resources at the University of Maine. At Maine he served as Director of the Cooperative Forestry Research Unit, Associate Director of the Forest Bioproducts Research Institute, and Director of the School of Forest Resources prior to his appointment as Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centers. “I could not be more excited about the future of the Forestry and Natural Resources department under Dr. Wagner's leadership” said Dean Jay Akridge. "I also want to say thank you and express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Rob Swihart for twelve great years of service as Head of Forestry and Natural Resources. He has been a tremendous leader for the department."


Bryan Scott joins Pre-Award Center

Bryan Scott has joined the College of Agriculture Pre-Award Center as Manager effective immediately, replacing Amy Wright. Bryan has more than seven years of experience as a Pre-Award Specialist and was previously a Business Manager in the College of Engineering. He comes to this position with a strong knowledge of Pre-Award and what it takes to provide exemplary customer service. Bryan's office is located in Lynn Hall, room G193A and he can be reached by phone at (765) 494-8366 or by email at scott1@purdue.edu.


Water Drive wraps up this week

Water DriveA message from Water Drive coordinators Amonté Martin and Brandon Allen: As we approach the final week of our #BoilerUp4Flint water driver, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your generous contributions, and most importantly for your continuous outpouring of support of our efforts. This Saturday (April 23), we will be leaving at 8:00am to deliver the water to Flint, Michigan. For those of you who are still interested in volunteering and/or donating, it is not too late. If you are still interested in volunteering, please contact either one of us for details regarding the delivery plans (marti965@purdue.edu; allen352@purdue.edu). If you would still like to donate, again, please contact us, or visit our GoFundMe page at www.gofundme.com/BoilerUp4Flint. Again, we truly appreciate everyone’s genuine commitment to aiding the residents of Flint during their time of need. We could not have done this without you.

More information: http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/in_focus/2016/April/WaterDrive.pdf


Purdue Agriculture students spend Spring Break studying abroad

Cuba groupPurdue Agriculture students fanned out around the world for Spring Break Study Abroad programs. A total of 116 students participated in five Agriculture programs, and another12 were part of non-Agriculture Purdue study abroad programs. Associate Dean Marcos Fernandez, along with Drs. Steve Hallett, Steve Yaninek, Elizabeth Flaherty and Carl Conway took 22 students to Purdue's first-ever study abroad trip to Cuba (pictured here). Additionally, Assistant Dean Pamala Morris and Myron McClure accompanied 15 students to Colombia; Drs. Reuben Goforth & Barny Dunning and 19 students visited Costa Rica; and Dr. Mark Russell was part of a Purdue Honors College study abroad trip to Peru. Thirty-four students went to Ireland accompanied by Marisa Erasmus, LeeAnn Williams and Nate Engelberth; and Drs. Andrea Liceaga and Manpreet Singh took 26 students to Italy. For more information on Study Abroad opportunities, contact Kara Hartman, International Academic Programs Specialist (kjkohlha@purdue.edu).

Elite #8 - US News & World Report ranks Purdue ABE #1 for the eighth consecutive year

US NewsThe Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering has been selected by U.S. News & World Report for the eighth consecutive year as offering the best such graduate specialty program in the nation. The complete rankings of what U.S. News & World Report considers the best agricultural and biological engineering graduate programs is available on the magazine's website here. Programs at the 215 engineering schools that grant doctoral degrees were surveyed in areas including quality assessment, student selectivity, faculty resources, and research activity.The magazine also rated Purdue's undergraduate ABE program No.1 last fall for the fifth consecutive year.


Purdue Agriculture needs your quotes!

AGAD hallwayChanges will be coming to the main floor of the Agricultural Administration Building over the summer. We are working on a project to refresh the look and feel of the hallway, and we would like your input. We are looking for your quote that captures the passion, interest, and the enthusiasm you have for the industry we serve, your Purdue Agriculture experience, your Purdue Agriculture education, your Purdue Agriculture partnership. We ask only that you limit your quote to 15-20 words. While we are looking for personal quotes from you, if you have a quote from someone else, especially national or international leaders, that you find inspirational and reflects the nature of the work we do as a College or the Purdue Agricultural educational experience, please send it to us.

The main floor of AGAD is a high-traffic space where visitors to our College, including nearly all prospective students and their parents, get their first impressions of us. With the support of a generous donor, we plan to remodel the space and incorporate the Purdue brand and the work our College does in a contemporary way to showcase the exciting things happening in our College and the industry, while respecting the history of our beautiful old building. We plan to install a number of frosted glass wall displays highlighting inspirational quotes from global leaders and pioneers in our industry as well as quotes from students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the College.

Please send your quote to Dinah McClure (dmcclure@purdue.edu) by May 15.

Call for Applications, Belcher Chair for Environmental Sustainability

Through the generosity of Dick Belcher and his late wife, Suzanne, the College of Agriculture is pleased to solicit applications for the Belcher Chair for Environmental Sustainability.  Language from the endowment agreement specifies the Belchers’ desire to “establish an endowed 'green' chair in the University's College of Agriculture to support leadership, discovery and/or engagement in the area of environmental sustainability.” This chair is endowed at $1.5 million and will provide the holder with a stream of funds for programmatic support and an opportunity to supplement their salary (one month). The total distribution for programmatic support and salary supplement is approximately $50,000 per year, depending on the endowment distribution policy and subject to the College policy on distributions. (See Information for Faculty on College web-site for details.) Application materials due to Dean Jay Akridge by May 13, 2016.

More information: http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/in_focus/2016/April/BelcherChair.html


College participates in Bravo Awards Program

Bravo AwardPurdue Agriculture participates in the university's Bravo Award program. The Bravo Award is intended to highlight the excellence found across all areas and job functions at Purdue by recognizing and rewarding extraordinary achievements on every scale. The Bravo Award is a one-time cash award to employees at all levels in recognition of substantial accomplishments that extend well beyond regular work responsibilities. Acknowledging employee accomplishments that help Purdue make a difference with our students and in our state and help us move the world forward is vital to the University's mission and the morale of our faculty and staff. Click here for more information and FAQs about the Bravo Award. You can find the Bravo Award nomination form here. Please use this form—not any older versions. If you have questions, please contact your business manager.



A reminder about tracking civil rights and diversity training

Civil Rights logoThe College of Agriculture is committed to making ongoing improvements to policies and practices to assure that race, ethnicity and gender are not barriers to success. During our USDA Federal Civil Rights Compliance Audit in 2012, it was brought to our attention that we did not have a formal tracking system in place to verify that all faculty, staff and graduate students received appropriate training. In order to comply with this, individuals are required to receive training in civil rights (the regulations), diversity awareness or sexual harassment each year. Therefore, we created a system utilizing the Qualtrics survey tool to have individuals self-report completion of their training. Rather than mandate a specific training, we are asking you to comply by recording training you have been to already or attend any training that fits your needs and interests and enhances your knowledge/understanding of diversity, civil rights or sexual harassment. 

Report training at:  https://ag.purdue.edu/civil_rights/Pages/report.aspx

Training modules available for faculty and staff

Risk Management, in collaboration with the Office of the Vice President for Ethics and Compliance and the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources, announces the availability of the Risk Management Employment Claims Initiative education program. The program helps employees and supervisors understand employment-related issues such as discrimination, harassment, disability awareness and accommodations, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), overtime rates, and other university leave policies. Participants will complete four training modules and corresponding certification quizzes: 1) Equal Opportunity; 2) Americans with Disabilities Act; 3) Wage and Hour Issues for Employees and Supervisors; and 4) Family and Medical Leave Act and University Leave Policies.

The training modules and instructions for accessing the certification quizzes are located on the Purdue Employee Portal. Each training module is approximately 20 to 25 minutes long. Training on the Americans with Disabilities Act and Equal Opportunity will also fulfill College of Agriculture requirements for civil rights training as required by the USDA. All faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to complete these training modules. Faculty and staff participation in these training modules impacts the College's share of insurance costs.

Awards and Recognitions


Rebecca DoergeRebecca Doerge, Statistics and Agronomy,was chosen as one of 33 fellows selected nationwide this year by the American Council on Education. The program focuses on identifying and preparing fellows for senior leadership roles. The 2016-17 class will bring to nearly 2,000 the number of higher education leaders who have participated in the program since its inception in 1965. More than 300 of the fellows have gone on to serve as chief executive officers of colleges and universities, and more than 1,800 have served as provosts, vice presidents or deans, according to ACE.


Jianxin MaJianxin Ma, Agronomy, will receive the 2016 Agricultural Research Award for his work in plant genetics and genomics.The award is given each year to a faculty member in the College of Agriculture with fewer than 18 years of experience beyond a doctoral degree. Recipients are scientists who have demonstrated a high level of excellence in research and made significant contributions to agriculture, natural resources and quality of life for Indiana citizens. Much of Ma's research focuses on characterizing the genomics of globally important crops. He is internationally renowned for his seminal work on the soybean genome and his prominent role in decoding the genomic structure of rice, cacao and other plants. Understanding these genomes helps researchers identify and select for desired traits to boost crop yields, improve nutritional value and increase plants' ability to flourish in a changing climate.

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q2/agronomist-ma-earns-purdue-agricultural-research-award.html


Rod WilliamsRod Williams, Forestry and Natural Resources, has been named the recipient of a 2016 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award in Memory of Charles B. Murphy. Williams was surprised with the news on March 9. The University's highest undergraduate teaching honor, the Murphy Award is accompanied by a $10,000 cash award and induction into Purdue's Teaching Academy, which provides leadership for the improvement of undergraduate, graduate and outreach teaching. Murphy was a history professor at Purdue from 1927 to 1970.


University Faculty ScholarsFour College of Agriculture faculty members have been selected as 2016 University Faculty Scholars: Xiaoqi Liu, Biochemistry; Tesfaye Mengiste, Botany and Plant Pathology; Linda Prokopy, Forestry and Natural Resources; and Jenna Rickus, Agricultural and Biological Engineering. The University Faculty Scholars program recognizes outstanding faculty who are on an accelerated path for academic distinction in the discovery and dissemination of knowledge.




Christine HofmeyerChristine Hofmeyer, undergraduate advisor and graduate program coordinator in Forestry and Natural Resources, received the Outstanding New Professional Award from the Purdue Academic Advising Association (PACADA). Christine, who has been in her position for a little more than a year, was cited for her hard work, willingness to learn and a strong desire to help students.


Kaplan AwardAbby Snodgrass, Assistant Director of Financial Affairs, and Judy Atkinson, Account Assistant, both in the Purdue Agriculture Business Office, received Purdue's 2016 Eleanor Kaplan Award for Exceptional Customer Service. The Kaplan Award was created in 1996 to recognize administrative and clerical staff in Business Management who demonstrate excellence and leadership in providing customer service.




Melissa FunkMelissa Funk, Office of Multicultural Programs, earned a "Thumbs Up" thanks from Dean Jay Akridge: 'Thumbs Up' to Melissa Funk in the College of Agriculture Office of Multicultural Programs for her leadership of the College of Agriculture Food Drive again this year. Melissa coordinated the efforts across our departments and came up with creative ideas to raise money, from Mitchell's Mexican Food truck to a CrowdRise online donation site. Thanks, Melissa, for leading this important activity for the college -- your good work is making a difference!

Margaret Weller, College of Agriculture business office, earned a "Thumbs Up" thanks from Kara Hartman in International Programs in Agriculture: Thanks to Margaret Weller for her prompt responses, keeping an eye on budgets, stepping in when needed, paying bills on time, being proactive, finding out answers, keeping track of deposits and expenses, and her knowledge. She ensures that the agriculture study abroad programs operates smoothly on the finance side.


Anne DareAnne Dare, postdoctoral research associate in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, was named to New Faces of Engineering by DiscoverE. The award honors up-and-coming engineers (under 30 years old), who are making their mark on their industry. This highly coveted award is recognized as a top honor for young engineers by their peers in the engineering community. Anne was nominated by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).



Nick LancasterNick Lancaster, MS student in Animal Sciences advised by Dr. Jon Schoonmaker, won the Purdue Agriculture Grad Student Pathmaker Award which is awarded to two students college-wide (one MS and one PhD) who have distinguished themselves as effective mentors by unselfishly investing in the success of undergraduate researchers-in-training and fellow graduate students.



Quinton NannetQuinton Nannet, a biochemistry major from New Richmond, Indiana, won the 2016 G.A. Ross Award as Purdue's Outstanding Senior Man. One Ross Award is named each year to a Senior man who shows a strong commitment to scholarship, leadership and service, as well as outstanding character. A committee composed of student peers and representatives from the Office of the Dean of Students selects the award recipient.



Paige StevensonPaige Stevenson, a sophomore majoring in agribusiness,  has been named a Campus Ambassador for AFA (Agriculture Future of America) for 2016. Founded in 1996, AFA offers leader and career development training and community-based academic scholarships for college men and women pursuing a career in an agriculture-related field.




Academic Quad TeamThe Purdue Animal Sciences team, (L-R) Wyatt Krom, Dakota Cook, Joel Flanders and Jim Vinyard, won the Academic Quadrathlon Quiz Bowl competition as well as the overall competition. Fifteen teams from peer institutions around the Midwest competed in the event's four phases: lab practicum, oral presentation, written exam, and quiz bowl. Coaching is not allowed. The team will represent the Midwest Region at the National Competition this summer in Salt Lake City.



Purdue Agriculture in the News


Fungus that threatens chocolate forgoes sexual reproduction for cloning

cacaoA fungal disease that poses a serious threat to cacao plants - the source of chocolate - reproduces clonally, researchers in Botany and Plant Pathology find. The fungus Moniliophthora roreri causes frosty pod rot, a disease that has decimated cacao plantations through much of the Americas. Because M. roreri belongs to a group of fungi that produces mushrooms - the fruit of fungal sex - many researchers and cacao breeders believed the fungus reproduced sexually. But a study by Dr. Catherine Aime and Jorge Díaz-Valderrama shows that M. roreri generates billions of cocoa pod-destroying spores by cloning, even though it has two mating types - the fungal equivalent of sexes - and seemingly functional mating genes. The findings could help improve cacao breeding programs and shed light on the fungal mechanisms that produce mushrooms.

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q1/fungus-that-threatens-chocolate-forgoes-sexual-reproduction-for-cloning.html


Purdue center offers online course for ag sales professionals

Scott DowneyA new online course from Purdue's Center for Food and Agricultural Business will help sales managers and advanced salespeople better understand opportunities within their sales territories and maximize leadership and coaching skills. The Value of Evidence-Based Sales Decisions is an interactive course taught by Scott Downey, associate professor of agricultural economics and associate director of the center. The course is designed to help participants effectively use data to drive better sales and marketing decisions. "The business world is changing, so sales professionals need to properly use data to make decisions," Downey said. "When used effectively, data creates knowledge and generates insights that, ultimately, lead to better strategy and long-term success."

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q1/purdue-center-offers-online-course-for-ag-sales-professionals.html


Hand soap top entry in soybean innovation contest

ISA logoA Purdue team that created a hand soap with a soy exfoliant took first place in the 2016 Student Soybean Product Innovation Competition. The group of four students share a $20,000 prize for their winning entry, SoyFoliate, in the annual contest sponsored by the Indiana Soybean Alliance. Team members are Samuel Lewis of New Castle, Indiana; Steve Ferris of Chesterton, Indiana; Alison Switzer of Indianapolis, all third-year professional students in Purdue's doctor of pharmacy program; and Ryan Pendergast, a mechanical engineering junior from Tustin, California. SoyFoliate soap is naturally degradable. Exfoliating soy beads replace plastic microbeads that are being banned in the United States..The second-place team members, who will share a $10,000 prize, created Soy Spacing Technologies, soy-based construction and glass spacers. They are Ryan DeBusk, an animal bioscience senior of Creston, California, and Taylor Gamble, an agricultural business management senior of Lafayette, Indiana. A third-place prize of $1,500 was awarded to the team that created SoyPods, soy-based detergent pods. Members are Andrew Cameron, a chemical engineering sophomore of Maple Grove, Minnesota; Xuan Luo, an agricultural and biological engineering sophomore of Zhengzhou, China; and Harshit Kapoor, a civil engineering sophomore of Kolkata, India. 

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q1/hand-soap-top-entry-in-soybean-innovation-contest.html


Rising CO2 levels reduce protein in crucial pollen source for bees

BeesRising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide have reduced protein in goldenrod pollen, a key late-season food source for North American bees, a Purdue University study shows. Researchers found that the overall protein concentration of goldenrod pollen fell about one-third from the onset of the Industrial Revolution to the beginning of the 21st century. Previous studies have shown that increases in carbon dioxide can lower the nutritional value of plants such as wheat and rice - staple crops for much of the global human population - but this study is the first to examine the effects of rising CO2 on the diet of bees. "Bee food is less nutritious than it used to be," said Jeffrey Dukes, study co-author and professor of forestry and natural resources and biological sciences. "Our findings also suggest that the quality of pollen will continue to decline into the future. That's not great news for bees."

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q2/rising-co2-levels-reduce-protein-in-crucial-pollen-source-for-bees.html


Purdue debuts mobile-friendly cover crops series

Ron TurcoA new Purdue Extension series of online publications enables farmers to peruse expert-reviewed information on cover crops straight from their smartphones. The series presents mobile-friendly versions of Extension publications on a variety of issues, including how to integrate cover crops into a corn-soybean rotation, how to use cover crops for prevented planting acres and how to terminate cover crops. "The mobile device is now an essential part of agricultural production," said Ron Turco, professor of agronomy and head of the project. "Commodity prices, weather updates and critical information are now available wherever you need it. Indiana's farming community will soon also have ready access to Purdue's best production information." Farmers can access the series at https://ag.purdue.edu/soilandwater/cover-crops/.

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q1/purdue-debuts-mobile-friendly-cover-crops-series.html

Purdue innovation could help crops survive prolonged drought, save water

Bressan and ZhuPurdue researchers are developing a technology that could enable specific plants and crops to survive extreme periods of drought, while significantly decreasing agricultural water consumption. Ray Bressan, distinguished professor in horticulture; Yang Zhao, a research assistant in horticulture; Jian-Kang Zhu, a distinguished professor of plant biology; and Zhulong Chan, a past postdoctoral fellow in Jian-Kang Zhu's lab, developed the technology. The Purdue researchers have developed an alternative way to genetically modify crops and plants to survive severe drought conditions. The technology utilizes a gene that causes the plant to have rapid leaf pore closure, a reduced rate of water loss due to evaporation, alleviated cell membrane damage and improved photosynthesis that results in an improved reaction to drought conditions. 

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q1/purdue-innovation-could-help-crops-survive-prolonged-drought,-save-water.html


Girls Inc. visit Purdue

Girls IncSixteen diverse high school students with the Indianapolis chapter of Girls Inc. who had expressed an interest in college, visited the Purdue College of Agriculture in March. The students were divided into groups and treated to tours of several buildings (Pfendler, Horticulture, Smith, Food Science, and Forestry). While on tour they heard stories about the success of previous students and were asked to think about similarities from within their personal interests that were applicable to some the various majors.

Full story: http://www.agriculture.purdue.edu/in_focus/2016/April/GirlsInc.html


Hurt: Too many acres targeted for corn plantings

corn fieldU.S. farmers reacted to global markets in making a major shift by intending to plant more acres in corn this year than last, a situation that could add to abundant supplies and result in lower prices for producers, Purdue University agricultural economist Chris Hurt says. Farmers indicated in a U.S. Department of Agriculture survey they would plant 6 percent more acres of corn this year - 93.6 million, the most since 2013 and the third highest since 1944 - because of a world surplus of wheat and reduced sorghum demand from China. "The bottom line is that 93.6 million acres is too much corn acreage that with normal yields will cause further building of already-large corn inventories," Hurt said.

Full story: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2016/Q2/hurt-too-many-acres-targeted-for-corn-plantings.html


Student Farm named one of Top 30 Sustainable Farms

Student FarmThe Purdue University Student Farm has been identified as one of the top sustainable college run farms by College Values Online. To compile this list, the publication identified the sustainability of the top 30  from an initial pool of 100 college farms. Points were awarded for being certified organic, having animal components, providing academic courses on the farm, selling to campus dining halls, selling at other places on farm/on campus, selling to CSA basket shares, and selling at off-campus venues.

Full story: http://www.collegevaluesonline.com/features/sustainable-college-run-farms/


Dates and Deadlines

April 27: College of Agriculture Spring Awards Banquet

April 27: Purdue Day of Giving

April 29: MANRRS End of Year Celebration

May 13: Graduate School Commencement, 4:00 pm

May 14: College of Agriculture Commencement ceremony, 2:e0 pm

May 25: Spring Fling

For more dates and deadlines, check the Purdue Agriculture calendar.


University News