About Us

IBEEF is a steer and heifer feedout program that provides Indiana producers with a way to place cattle on feed and gather performance, carcass, and economic information to make genetic and management improvements in their herd. Cooperators receive individual and group feedlot performance, feedlot costs, and individual and group carcass information, including quality and yield grade, ribeye area, fat thickness, carcass weight, etc. IBEEF also allows producers to compare sires, as well as evaluate alternative marketing strategies and their impact upon profitability. The program also helps to improve the reputation of producer cattle by establishing a database of feedlot performance and carcass merit on their calves.

The IBEEF program began with the 1997-1998 test. Calves are delivered in the fall and harvested in the spring. There have been occasional, smaller Spring IBEEF tests, with spring delivery of calves. The earliest tests included only steers, but heifers have been included beginning with the 2000-2001 test. More than 9,800 steers and heifers have completed IBEEF tests.

Contact Us

Nick Minton

IBEEF Program Sponsors

The program is a joint effort of:

Indiana Beef Evaluation Program

Purdue Extension

The 2021-2022 IBEEF Test

The are online. Entry deadline is October 2, with delivery of calves on Tuesday, November 2 at the ASREC Beef Unit.

Guidelines & Forms 2021-22 Test Flyer