
Statutory Authority
Invasive Species Task Force Report
Biennial Report
News from the Indiana Invasive Species Council
IISC Council Members

Megan Abraham
Division Director and State Entomologist, IDNR
Representing Department of Natural Resources, Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology.

Phyllis Boyd
Director, Indianapolis Parks & Recreation
Representing Parks and Recreation

Aubree Szczepanski
Aquatic Invasive Species Supervisor, INDR
Representing Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Rick Haggard
Executive Director, Indiana Nursery and Landscape Association
Representing the Nursery Industry.

Alicia Kelley
IN CAPS State Survey Coordinator, Purdue University
Representing the Dean, College of Agriculture, Purdue University
Council Secretariat

Matthew Kraushar
Roadside Maintenance Specialist, INDOT
Representing Indiana Department of Transportation

Heather Reynolds
Professor of Biology, Indiana University
Representing research.

Kate Sanders
Resource Specialist, ISDA
Representing the Indiana State Department of Agriculture

Joe Schmees
IN Freshwater Strategy Manager,
The Nature Conservancy
Representing Land Trusts

Michael Warner
Certified Forester at ArborTerra
Representing the forest industry.

Kelli Werling
Senior Director of Operations / Director of Swine Health, BOAH
Representing the State Board of Animal Health
Council Chairperson