Our Team

Songlin Fei
Purdue University Forestry and Natural Resources
Professor and Dean’s Chair of Remote Sensing, Director of Institute for Digital Forestry
Areas of focus: Forest ecology, modeling, remote sensing

Pete Bettinger
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Hargreaves Distinguished Professor, Forest Management
Objectives: Modeling, Mindset

Aaron Weiskittel
The Univeristy of Maine School of Forest Resources
Professor, Forest Biometrics and Modeling/ Irving Chair, Forest Ecosystem/ Director, Center for Research on Sustainable Forests
Objectives: Modeling Management, Mindset

Carl Huetteman
Purdue University Institute for Digtal Forestry
Managing Director
Objectives: Measurement, Modeling Management, Mindset

Krista Merry
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Research Professional
Objectives: Management, Mindset

Emily Uhrig
The Univeristy of Maine Center for Research on Sustainable Forests
Collaborative Project Coordinator
Objectives: Mindset

Jackie Getson
Institute for Digital Forestry
Project Manager
Objectives: Logistics and operations
PERSEUS Investigators- Purdue

Daniel Aliaga
Computer Science
Associate Professor
Objectives: Measurement, Modeling

John Couture
Entomology & Forestry and Natural Resources
Assistant Professor
Objectives: Measurement

Melba Crawford
Lyles School of Civil Engineering, and Agronomy
Nancy Uridil and Francis Bossu Professor
Objectives: Measurement

Matthew Ginzel
Entomology, Forestry and Natural Resources
Professor, Director, Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC)
Objectives: Measurement, Modeling Management, Mindset

Ayman Habib
Lyles School of Civil Engineering
Thomas A Page Professor of Civil Engineering/ Associate Director of the Institute of Digital Forestry
Objectives: Measurement

Brady Hardiman
Foresty and Natural Resources
Assistant Professor
Objectives: Measurement, Mindset

Joseph Hupy
Aviation and Transportation Technology
Associate Professor
Objectives: Measurement, Mindst

Liz Jackson
Forestry and Natural Resources
Extension Engagement Specialist
Objectives: Management

Douglass Jacobs
Forestry and Natural Resources
Fred M van Eck Professor of Forest Biology, Associate Head of Extension
Objectives: Management

Jian Jin
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Assistant Professor
Objectives: Measurement

Jinha Jung
Lyles School of Civil Engineering
Assistant Professor
Objectives: Measurement, Modeling

Nicole Kong
Information Studies
Associate Professor
Objectives: Measuring, Modeling

Cheryl Zhenyu Qian
Art and Design, Industrial Design, Rueff School Faculty
Chair and Professor
Objectives: Measurement

Michael Saunders
Forestry and Natural Resources
Associate Professor
Objectives: Management, Mindst

Baijian Yang
Computer and Information Technology
Professor, Associate Dean for Research in Polytech
Objectives: Measurement

Song Zhang
Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Assistant Head for Experiential Learning
| Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Objectives: Measurement

Carla Zoltowski
Mechanical Engineering
Professor, Assistant Head of Experiential Learning
Objectives: Mindset
PERSEUS Investigators - Georgia

Leslie Boby
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Program Director, Southern Regional Extension Forestry
Objectives: Management

Jesse Abrams
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Associate Professor, Natural Resource Policy and Sustainability
Objectives: Mindset

Chad Bolding
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Professor and Langdale Endowed Chair in Forest Business
Objectives: Modeling

Bronson Bullock
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Professor, Forest Biometrics & Quantitative Timber Management/ Co-Director, Plantation Management Research Cooperative (PMRC)
Objectives: Modeling

Joe Conrad
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Associate Dean of Outreach, Senior Public Service Associate Co-Director for Environmental Education Certificate Program
Objectives: Modeling

Tripp (Roger) Lowe
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Academic Professional
Objectives: Modeling

Fred Maier
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Associate Director of AI Institute, Assistant Research Scientist
Objectives: Measurement, Modeling

Jacek Siry
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
Stuckey Professor of Forest Economics and Taxation
Objectives: Modeling, Management

Dehai Zhao
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resouces
Senior Research Scientist
Objectives: Modeling
PERSEUS Investigators - Maine

Adam Daigneault
School of Forest Resources
E.L. Giddings Associate Professor of Forest Policy & Economics
Objectives: Modeling, Management

Sandra De Urioste-Stone
School of Forest Resources
Associate Professor of Nature-Based Tourism, Assistant Vice President for Research
Objectives: Modeling, Management

Daniel Hayes
School of Forest Resources
Associate Professor of Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis
Objectives: Measurement

Kasey Legaard
School of Forest Resources
Assistant Research Professor
Objectives: Measurement

Michael Premer
School of Forest Resources
Assistant Professor of Forest Management
Objectives: Modeling

Erin Simons-Legaard
School of Forest Resources
Assistant Research Professor in Forest Landscape Modeling
Objectives: Modeling

Ericka Bethel (PURDUE)
Agricultural Communication
Digital Content Specialist
Areas of focus: communications, media

Nancy Cramer (PURDUE)
Agricultural Research and Graduate Education
Administrative Assistant
Areas of focus: communications, events, operations

Jarrod Doucette (PURDUE)
Ag Data Services
Lead Research Analyst
Areas of focus: Combining data architecture and stewardship to improve analytic and visualization capabilities

Meg Fergusson (UMAINE)
Center for Research on Sustainable Forests
Communications & Outreach Specialist
Objectives: Mindset

Benny Goller (PURDUE)
Ag Data Services
Lead Research Analyst
Areas of focus: Data analytics, simulations, visualization

Cameron Wingren (PURDUE)
Forestry and Natural Resources
Unmanned Aerial Systems Data Collection Specialist
Areas of focus: UAS data collection, geospatial data collection/processing, data collection, processing, and dissemination between researchers and stakeholder groups