The College of Agriculture Business Office provides many services to our customers. Please see a list of our services below.

Employment Center

  • Monthly and bi-weekly payroll
  • New hires
  • Onboarding (I-9)
  • Transfer of employees
  • Separation of employees
  • Contracts and extensions
  • Leave information
  • Payroll questions
Employment Center

Procurement/Purchasing Center

  • Requisitions/orders (Ariba and credit cards)
  • Large equipment purchases
  • Individual or consultant payments or reimbursements
  • Living allowances
  • Vendor payments

Procurement/Purchasing Center

Account Management/Departmental Business Office

  • Distribution of credit cards
    • Procurement cards (low dollars, local purchases)
    • Hospitality credit cards
    • PRF credit cards
  • Projections for faculty members
  • Fiscal approvals
  • Summer payroll
  • Cost distribution and effort reporting (PARs)
  • Department requests
  • Cash handling and wire claims
  • Recharge Billings
  • Travel
Account Management/Departmental Business Office

Featured Story

Featured Story

lab rice
Roots of Discovery: Diane Wang’s exploration of plant resilience and international research

Diane Wang, associate professor in the Department of Agronomy, vividly remembers the night she first set foot at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). As a senior undergraduate student, she had been fascinated by the complex...

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Featured Stories

close up of fruit fly with red eyes climbing up the side of a tube
Gene expression research brings hope to the delay and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases slowly curtail the full, exciting...

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Zane Smoldt stands in front of a fire truck with colleagues from the USDA Forest Service
FNR Field Report: Zane Smoldt

Zane Smoldt, a senior forestry major with a concentration in forest management, spent the summer...

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Teomie Sue Rivera-Miranda teaching an undergraduate forensic entomology class where students are lifting fingerprints off a shell casing.
Families unite for justice: Cold Case Symposium brings victims’ loved ones together

Purdue University’s Department of Entomology will partner with the University of North...

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Purple petunias in front of Purdue University's bell tower.
Purdue researchers receive AFRI Predoctoral Fellowships from USDA NIFA

Purdue University’s Brittney Emmert and Christine Elliott have been awarded Predoctoral...

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uTREE Purdue colleagues in outside setting
Purdue AI urban tree monitoring and analysis initiative to improve city life

With 89% of the U.S. population and 68% of the world population projected to live in cities by...

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Haley Oliver sitting on a wooden bench surrounded by yellow flowers
Purdue researcher awarded $10M for extension of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety

Haley Oliver, professor of food science in Purdue University’s College of Agriculture, has...

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