The Bright Side of Virtual Learning

Of the almost four semesters I’ve spent at Purdue, 3 of them have been online learning based. Fall semester my freshman year in 2019 was the only complete semester I’ve had that was “normal”. However, it isn’t as bad as one may think. The constant zoom meetings, Brightspace due dates, and connection issues are minor inconveniences when it comes to the high value of learning in comfort and at your own pace.
Watching lectures in my pajamas with a snack in my hand and my cat snuggled up against me is paradise. I feel like I can stay focused on the material and engaged with my professors/peers. For me, I tend to watch the clock and schedule out my next bus route while I’m listening to a lecture in-person. Although I miss in-person lectures, I’m content with online learning for now. Not only can I be comfortable, but I can also learn at my own pace. Most professors have lectures recorded for students to view. I can speed up, slow down the video speed, or stop it if I have a problem. I can go over a concept as many times as I want!
COVID-19 completely redirected how learning would happen at Purdue, but I’d like to think it’s a good thing for some. I can’t wait to see Purdue at its best when the pandemic ends, but I will enjoy what I have to work with now while it’s still here. 

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