Winter Does Not Mean the Work is Done
For many people looking in the winter months might not seem like a big deal for farmers, but there is still a lot of work to be done. For people just raising grain you have equipment to be maintained, seed to be ordered, chemical programs to be designed, grain to be hauled, and even potentially tillage to be done. If you have livestock the winter can be even worse and more demanding from you. You have to ensure the safety of your hard work, and this can be worse than normal. In the Midwest we are not a stranger to cold temperatures so lots of precautions have to be taken such as keeping waterers working and fresh bedding in the pens. Feed rations have to be changed, and the hope is that your work the rest of the year carries you through the winter. Also, most livestock have their young in the winter months. So, when you are going into this cozy season of sitting by the fire eating soup, don’t forget to think of our farmers as there is still a lot of work to be done.