Email notification of IBEP reports

Information is added to the web site at various times for each test. This includes:

  • Rules and entry form
  • Weigh day reports - On Test, 28-day, 63-day, 91-day, Off Test
  • Presale information, after the 91-day weigh day
  • Sale catalog and video clips of sale bulls
  • Sale summary

An email is sent out whenever these reports are put online.

To be added to the email list:
If you would like to be sent an email message whenever the web site is updated, send your email address to Donna Lofgren. You only need to do this once - your name won't be removed from the list until you ask for it to be removed (or your emails are undeliverable).

You will receive a reply when your name is added to the email list, and you will receive future updates from that date on. If you have sent a message and have not received a reply or any updates, send a message again.

Your email address is for IBEP use only. We won't give it out to anyone else.

To be removed from the email list:
Send a message to Donna Lofgren, with your email address, and your email will be removed.

If you change your email address, you can just send one message with the information. Feel free to send a message if you have questions.