
Vibrant educational and research community...

Engaged in multi-disciplinary, basic research in the biomedical and plant sciences. Our mission is to provide an environment that fosters creative and critical thinking and nurtures a passion for the life sciences.



Graduate Information


Department of Biochemistry
175 South University St.
West Lafayette, IN 47907




Explore the Possibilities in Biochemistry

Feature Story

Feature Story

Andy Tao in the Lab
WGHI-supported research could lead to blood tests for early breast cancer diagnoses

Using a highly promising approach to speed breast cancer diagnostics, researcher W. Andy Tao of the Purdue Institute for Cancer Research is studying how specific blood particles could be used to catch BRCA-related breast cancer before any tumor...

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Biochemistry Recent News

Kayla Hinton stands in front of a Clorox logo on a wall with a giant prop of a cleaning bottle

Cultivating the Future: One Year Later

Here are the stories of four recent Purdue alumni who used their experiences to cultivate their own futures post-graduation.

student scholars

The Astronaut Scholarship

Shelby Sliger, a senior biochemistry major in Purdue’s College of Agriculture and a member of the John Martinson Honors College, discovered a...

close up of fruit fly with red eyes climbing up the side of a tube

Gene expression research brings hope to the delay and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases slowly curtail the full, exciting lives of those inflicted and bring a premature grief...

Elysia Uggen examines a plant sample.

Fields of Discovery: Proteins, PICKLES and pencils  

This summer, Elysia Uggen researches PICKLE mutations in the arabidopsis plant with department head of biochemistry Joe Ogas.

Sarah Stanhope

Sarah Stanhope - Graduate Ag Research Spotlight

Sarah Stanhope likes investigating things: “I always asked a lot of questions,” she says. Inspired and supported by a...

Bob Auber presents from a screen titled "A Day in the Life." In the foreground, there are two graduate students watching.

‘Plants to people:’ Bob Auber’s path from the Center for Plant Biology to oncology

On Friday March 22, Bob Auber returned to Room 116 in Whistler Hall to stand behind a podium in front of a PowerPoint and keep an audience engaged...