Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab

The Purdue University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory works to diagnose plant diseases and identify insects, plants and weeds and other plant and pest problems. This service is provided for the specialists and county extension educators of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service and Purdue University's research faculty, staff, and students as well as for private businesses and citizens of Indiana.​

If you drop off a sample please leave it on the table outside of our office with your completed submission form. We will pick up the samples throughout the day. Please also consider sending photos using our upload forms

*The PPDL and county extension offices DO NOT PROVIDE SOIL OR TISSUE TESTING. Please see our Publications page for a list of commercial labs.

 Please note our new address under contact us!

Contact Us

Tom Creswell, Lab Director

John Bonkowski, Plant Disease Diagnostician

Tina Garwood, Technician

Plant and Pest Diagnostic Laboratory
Purdue University
915 Mitch Daniels Boulevard, LSPS 116
West Lafayette IN 47907-2054
Voice: 765-494-7071

Map to Lab


Your generous contributions help us provide opportunities for students in the lab, training for County Extension agents, and support our work as part of the Research, Teaching, and Engagement missions of Purdue University.



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