Welcome to the Soil Insect Ecology Laboratory

The Soil Insect Ecology Laboratory at Purdue is fully engaged in all three mission areas of the Land Grant University system. Under Dr. Richmond’s direction, applied research and extension work in concert to serve growers, industry and the public interest by providing leadership in the areas of turfgrass entomology and soil insect ecology. The laboratory serves as training ground for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from around the globe, and as a springboard for undergraduate research and instruction.

For students interested in joining our graduate program in Soil Insect Ecology, please contact Dr. Richmond (drichmond@purdue.edu).

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The Kampen Prairie Project

We have begun the renovation of four large, out of play areas (approximately 6.5 acres in all) to native prairie with the goal of supporting a diverse community of plants, pollinators, and other wildlife.

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