Precision Management

tree cookies


Precision management tools can be utilized not only for forest management, but also during processing of lumber and logs. Researchers are using geo-referenced and image-assisted biometric evaluation for precision tree growth and yield monitoring. Research on log and lumber processing is also taking place.

Principal Investigators

Rado Gazo | Professor of Wood Processing and Industrial Engineering
Bedrich Benes | George W. McNelly Professor of Technology and Professor of Computer Science
Songlin Fei | Professor and Dean’s Chair of Remote Sensing


The overall goal of this project is to quantify the change in the growth rate of a tree, and to link it to the previous stand management practices, site index, soil type, local weather patterns, climate change and other known factors, in real time and place.

  • Develop appropriate image acquisition hardware and pilot-test it on the TigerCat™ log bucking equipment.
  • Develop software for image analysis and biometric data collection.
  • Relate tree biometric information to geo location of origin.