Institute for Digital Forestry

The Institute for Digital Forestry at Purdue University is leveraging digital technology and multidisciplinary expertise to measure, monitor and manage urban and rural forests to maximize social, economic and ecological benefits.


2 people in forest

Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR for High Resolution Forest Inventory

Researchers are developing a backpack terrestrial system and algorithms for fine-detail, automated measurements and trait characterization of forest plantations.


Gazo with tree

Wood and Bark ID

Research to develop an annotated bark image bank of hardwood trees in the Central Hardwood region, as well as an AI algorithm for bark-based species recognition and a smartphone app for bark-based tree species identification.


tree lidar scan

Tree Inventory with Aerial Remote Sensing

Researchers are advancing methods to conduct tree inventory using LiDAR and UAS images. AI-assisted automation for individual tree recognition and delineation and remote measurement of biometrics (size, biomass) in planted and natural forests.



Turn images into information about forests through our centralized database.



Led by Songlin Fei, professor and the Dean’s Remote Sensing Chair, the Institute for Digital Forestry at Purdue University is leveraging digital technology and multidisciplinary expertise to measure, monitor and manage urban and rural forests to maximize social, economic and ecological benefits.

Our multidisciplinary research team is developing digital platforms and strategies that will revolutionize forestry and build a globally competitive next generation workforce for the information age.


Artificial intelligence can now simulate tree growth and shape

Artificial intelligence can now simulate tree growth and shape

Robotic hand holding a tree
Artificial intelligence can now simulate tree growth and shape

Researchers have made a significant leap in artificial intelligence (AI) by successfully simulating the growth and form of trees. This achievement, a blend of technology and nature, marks a pivotal moment in digital modeling. The team comprised...

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Sonling Fei in front of digital trees
Digital forestry can help mitigate and prevent wildfires

The National Interagency Fire Center reports that, as of this writing, 19,444 fires have burned...

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Songlin Fei, director of Purdue’s Institute for Digital Forestry and professor in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, standing among the trees in Martell Forest.
The Society of American Foresters honors Purdue professor with Award in Forest Science

The Society of American Foresters (SAF) annually recognizes individuals for their outstanding...

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Drone over canopy
Digital forestry can help mitigate and prevent wildfires

The National Interagency Fire Center reports as of this writing that 19,444 fires have burned...

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a robotic arm reaches out to touch a corn plant leaf. you can see the Sheeraz Athar, Jian Jin, and Yu She in the where the arm bends
How robots touch on the future of agriculture

Walking into Purdue’s Mechanisms And Robotic Systems (MARS) Lab feels like falling into a...

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Forest in the spring time
Chris Ardohain: Purdue’s Esri student of the year

Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Ardohain is not your average Purdue graduate student....

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Purdue's bell tower stands tall behind a foreground of purple petunias
Purdue agriculture professors named AAAS Fellows

Purdue College of Agriculture professors Songlin Fei and Tesfaye Mengiste have been named fellows...

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In 2013, Purdue University included plant sciences among the
investment that would reinforce the university’s stature as a
world-class institution, a plan called Purdue Moves.