Adebisi Racheal Ogunbawo
MS, Animal Sciences
Focus: genetics and breeding
Ogun State, Nigeria

Adebisi Racheal Ogunbawo
MS, Animal Sciences
Focus: genetics and breeding
Ogun State, Nigeria
my Purdue view
my Purdue view
Growing up in Nigeria, I was bothered that one couldn’t get certain fruits when they were out of season. These same fruits went to waste in season because we didn’t have the proper storage. That problem led me to agriculture. I also became interested in animal welfare after seeing the unhygienic conditions and appalling treatment of livestock in slaughterhouses in Nigeria. I completed my bachelor’s degree in animal sciences at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria.
I worked in research, including agriculture, for three years in Nigerian companies and wondered how to curb the decline in the local dairy industry. I questioned whether the challenges faced by the dairy sector were related to heat resistance or genetics. This thought is why I decided to study genetics.
Coming to America in January 2022, everything was new to me — and it was cold. I’ve found friends now through the Nigerian Students Association at Purdue and church, and that helped. We travel a lot together, and I plan to make it to every state.
Right now, I’m working with Assistant Professor of Animal Sciences Hinayah Rojas de Oliveira to build SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) panels for beef cattle. These panels can indicate variations in a single DNA nucleotide of the genetic code, which helps us correlate those genetic differences with the important traits of an animal. I believe my research will help me go back to Nigeria and use SNP panels to select for important traits in the local cattle to boost milk production.