Conference Presentations
Adepeju, A. G., L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Simulation of the Effect of Groundwater Storage and Withdrawals in the Wabash River Basin. IWRA Conference, November 7, 2024.
Adepeju, A. G., L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Simulation of the Effect of Groundwater Storage and Withdrawals in the Wabash River Basin. AWRA/UCOWR/NIWR Joint Water Resources Conference, September 29 – October 2nd, 2024.
Adepeju, A. G., L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Simulation of the Effect of Groundwater Storage and Withdrawals in the Wabash River Basin. ISF Research Expo, October 14th, 2024.
Adepeju, A. G., L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Simulation of the Effect of Groundwater Storage and Withdrawals in the Wabash River Basin. OIGP Annual Spring Reception, May 1, 2024. *Certificate of Excellence in Research Winner
Bradford, I., N. Yewle, N., N. H. Van Pham, S. Tan, C. Troy, M. Crawford, Z. Zhou, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Enhancing remote sensing techniques for monitoring and mitigating harmful algae blooms in North-Central United States inland waters. Poster presented at 3rd Annual Fall Research Expo hosted by the Institute for a Sustainable Future, Purdue Memorial Union South Ballroom, October 14, 2024, Purdue University. West Lafayette. IN, United States.
Bradford, I., N. Yewle, N. H. Van Pham, S. Tan, C. Troy, M. Crawford, Z. Zhou, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Assessing harmful algal blooms in Mississinewa Lake: Integrating water quality parameters, remote sensing, and predictive modeling. Poster presented at AGU’s Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. Washington, D.C. 9 - 13 December 2024.
Britto, A., and K. Osen (2024). Remote Sensing of Water Quality. Mentors: K. Cherkauer; Z. Zhou. Spring Undergraduate Research Conference, April 9, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Medema, R. E., and A. C. M. Britto (2024). Chlorophyl Analysis and its Role in Modeling Harmful Algae Blooms. Mentors: K. A. Cherkauer, N. R. Yewle, and I. H. Bradford. Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, July 24, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Oni, A., D. Lampe, L. Grunh, M. Howell, Z. Arra, Z., K. A. Cherkauer, and J. Hosen (2024). 3-D Groundwater Flow Measuring Device. AWRA, UCOWR & NIWR Joint Water Conference, September 29 – October 2nd, 2024.
Oni, A., D. Lampe, L. Grunh, M. Howell, Z. Arra, K. A. Cherkauer, and J. Hosen (2024). 3-D Groundwater Flow Measuring Device. 2024 ISF Research Expo, October 14th, 2024.
Pham, N. I. Bradford, C. D. Troy, K. A. Cherkauer, M. M. Crawford, S. Tan, N. Yewle and Z. Zhou (2024) H53J-1217 Characterizing Weak Thermal Stratification of River-Driven and Dam-Influenced U.S. Midwestern Reservoirs. Poster presented at AGU’s Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. Washington, D.C. 9 - 13 December 2024.Shin, C. H. (2024). Image Analysis of Irrigated Crops. Mentors: K. A. Cherkauer and D. Yang. Spring Undergraduate Research Conference, April 8, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Takhellambam, B. S., C. I. Lee and L. C. Bowling (2024). Agricultural Subsurface Drainage In The Variable Infiltration Capacity Land Surface Scheme. Poster presented at AGU’s Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., United States. Washington, D.C. 9 - 13 December 2024.
Tremblay, M. N. Lifton, K. A. Cherkauer, E. Apel, G. Goss, and A. Tiwari (2024). Timing of Deglaciation from Multiple Cosmogenic Nuclides in Bedrock at McCullough Gulch, Southern Rocky Mountains, USA. GSA Connections 2024. Abstract 82-5. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 56, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-403210
Yang, D., L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Drainage Water Recycling at ACRE. AWRA, UCOWR & NIWR Joint Water Conference, September 29 – October 2nd, 2024.
Yewle, N., I. Bradford, A. Slotke, N. H. Van Pham, S. Tan, C. Troy, M. Crawford, Z. Zhou, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Enhancing remote sensing techniques for monitoring and mitigating harmful algae blooms in North-Central United States inland waters. Invited talk presented at the 2024 AWRA, UCOWR, NIWR Joint Water Resources Conference, September 29 – October 2nd, 2024, St. Louis, MO, United States.
Yewle, N., I. Bradford, N. H. Van Pham, S. Tan, C. Troy, M. Crawford, Z. Zhou, and K. A. Cherkauer (2024). Enhancing remote sensing techniques for monitoring and mitigating harmful algae blooms in north-central United States inland waters. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium, November 7, 2024, Plainfield, IN, United States.
Chen, Shuo, Keith A. Cherkauer, Melba Crawford, Zhi Zhou, Cary Troy, Andrea Slotke, Nhu Hang Van Pham, and Sheng Tan (2023). Remote Sensing of Midwestern U.S. Water Quality. 3rd Annual Virtual Harmful Algal Bloom Research Symposium, January 5-6, 2023.
Slotke, A., N. S. Bosch, M. Burligame, and K. A. Cherkauer (2023). Remote Sensing of Indiana Algal Bloom Occurrence from 2012 to 2022. AGU Fall Meeting 2023. Abstract H43M-2259.
Slotke, A., N. S. Bosch, M. Burligame, and K. A. Cherkauer (2023). Remote Sensing of Algal Bloom Occurrence in Kosciusko County, Indiana. Great Lakes Science Initiative Seminar Series, Institute for a Sustainable Future, Purdue, November 2023.
Tiwari, A. K. A. Cherkauer, W. W. Tung, F. D. Marks, and D. Niyogi (2023). Variability in Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Estimates from Gridded Data Products and Its Implication on Hydrological Analysis. AMS Annual Meeting 2023. Abstract JointJ9A.6.
Yang, D., L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2023). Eco-intensification using recycled drainage water for fertigation. 42nd Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium, 2023. *Outstanding student presentation award.
Yang, D., K. E. Mazer, L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2023). Drainage Water Recycling at ACRE. Experience ACRE workshop, 2023.
Abughali, B., and K. A. Cherkauer (2022). Parametrization of Crop Models Using UAS Captured Data. AGU Fall Meeting 2022. Abstract GC42I-0809.
Bowling, L. C., C. I. Lee, Md. S. Rahman, and K. A. Cherkauer (2022). Representing human modifications to drained agricultural watersheds. AGU Fall Meeting 2022. Abstract H16D-03.
Cherkauer, K.A., L.C. Bowling, K. Mazer, and D. Yang (2022). Eco-intensification using recycled drainage water for fertigation. AGU Fall Meeting 2022. Abstract GC42A-04
Cherkauer, K.A., A.G. de Lima Moraes, K. Mazer and L.C. Bowling (2022). Facilitating water resource management decision making in Arequipa, Peru, AGU Frontiers in Hydrology. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Abstract 517-028.
Lee, K. and K. A. Cherkauer (2022). Multi-Input Source Stress Analysis for Field Crops to Improve Yield Predictions. AGU Fall Meeting 2022. Abstract H25O-1289.
Mazer, K.E., L.C. Bowling, and A. Erwin (2022). Building Resilience into International Water Resources Collaborations. Participatory session at the 2022 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference, June 14-16, Greenville, SC.
Mazer, K.E., J.R. Frankenberger, and L.C. Bowling (2022). Using existing depressional storage for drainage water recycling. Poster presented at the 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, Houston, TX.
Tiwari, A., K.A. Cherkauer, F. Marks, W-W Tung, D. Niyogi (2022). Characterizing Hydrology for Tropical Cyclone Precipitation using Satellite, Radar-blended and Gauge-based Precipitation Products. AGU Fall Meeting 2022. Abstract H42H-1389.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2021). Indiana's Future Water: A Report from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment. Virtual Conference of Indiana Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD), January 12, 2021.
Gunapati N. (2021). Quantifying Impacts of Drainage Water Recycling on a Soybean Field in West Lafayette, Indiana. Mentors: L. C. Bowling, K. Mazer, K. Lee and K. A. Cherkauer. Fall Undergraduate Research Exposition, November 15-22, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Lee, C.I., L.C. Bowling, K.A. Cherkauer, J. Frankenberger, J.P. Ackerson (2021). Modeling subsurface drainage hydroclimatology in the US Corn Belt, AGU Fall Meeting 2021. Abstract H52F-03.
Moraes, A.G.L., L.C. Bowling, A. Watkins, H.M. Novoa, and K.A. Cherkauer. 2021. Future Climate Projections for the Arequipa Department, Peru. Purdue University’s 2021 Environmental Research Expo.
Tiwari, A., K.A. Cherkauer, W. Tung, F. Marks and D. Niyogi (2021). Characterizing the tropical cyclone rainfall using satellite, radar-blended and gauge-based precipitation products for hydrological studies. AGU Fall Meeting 2021. Abstract H14F-03.
Daneshvar F., J.R. Frankenberger, K.A. Cherkauer, H. Novoa and L.C. Bowling. Hydrological Assessment of Interconnected River Basins in Semi-Arid Region of Peruvian Andes. Poster presented at the 2020 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. December 1-17, 2020.
Wei, X. P. Garcia-Chevesich, F. Alejo, V. Garcia, J. Ticona, F. Daneshvar, L.C. Bowling, E. Gonzaez-Zenteno, and J.E. McCray. Evaluation of intensive irrigation on hydrological responses in a Peruvian arid plateau. Poster presented at the 2020 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 1-17, 2020.
Lee, C.I., J.P. Ackerson, K.A. Cherkauer and L.C. Bowling (2020). Modeling Variability in Subsurface Drainage Hydroclimate and Impacts to Streamflow Across the US Corn Belt. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H113-0005.
de Lima Moraes, A.G., A. Watkins, L.C. Bowling, H. Novoa, J.P. Caceres and K.A. Cherkauer (2020). The new, ever-changing, climate reality of the Arequipa Department, in Peru. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H122-08.
de Lima Moraes, A.G., A. Watkins, J.P. Caceres, L.L. Biehl, A. Mamani, A. Puma, and K.A. Cherkauer (2020). The establishment of a monthly crop-mapping algorithm using high-resolution satellite images; for use in regions with highly variable agriculture. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H122-06.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2020). Using Remote Sensing to Quantify the Interactions Between Crops and Water, AWRA 2020 Virtual Geospatial Water Technology Conference, Tuesday August 4, 2020.
Mazer, K.E., L.C. Bowling, E. Bocardo-Delgado, J.R. Frankenberger, R. Popovici, and L.S. Prokopy. 2020. Proposición de un Centro de Extensión del Agua del Instituto Nexus. Presented at the Arequipa Nexus Institute Symposium in January of 2020.
Mazer, K.E., A. Tomasek, F. Daneshvar, L.C. Bowling, J. Frankenberger, S.K.W. McMillan, H. Novoa, C.R. Zeballos Velarde. Supporting stakeholder decisions using hazard maps related to flash floods. Abstract NH018-0010 presented at the 2020 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 1-17, 2020.
Daneshvar, F., Frankenberger, J.R., Bowling, L.C., Cherkauer, K.A., Vera Mercado, J.A., Villalta Soto, M.J., (2020). Development of soil and land cover databases for hydrologic modeling in Arequipa, Peru. Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) GIS Conference. Purdue University, November 13.
Rainey, K.M., K.A. Cherkauer, F.F. Moreira, S. Smith, B. Abughali, A.A. Hearst, E. Vincent Seal. Managing UAS Imagery for Developmentally-Driven Decision Making. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVIII, Jan 11 - 15, 2020, San Diego, CA.
Mazer, K.E., A. Erwin, R. Popovici, E.F. Bocardo-Delgado, L.C. Bowling, Z. Ma, L.S. Prokopy, and C.R. Zeballos-Velarde. Navigating Barriers to Institutionalized International Research Collaboration for Water Management. Abstract accepted to the 2020 UCOWR/NIWR Conference (this conference was cancelled).
Mazer, K.M., L.C. Bowling, E.F. Bocardo, L.S. Prokopy, R. Popovici, A.G.L. Moraes, F. Daneshvar, K.A. Cherkauer, and J.R. Frankenberger. A Framework for Sustainable Water Management in Arequipa: The Coproduction Process. Poster presented at the 2019 Arequipa Nexus Institute Research Symposium, Purdue University, July 25.
Mazer, K.E, L.C Bowling, E. Bocardo-Delgado, L.S. Prokopy, R. Popovici, A.G.L. Moraes, J. Pinto, F. Daneshvar, K.A. Cherkauer, and J.R. Frankenberger. 2019. A Framework for Sustainable Water Management in Arequipa: The Coproduction Process. Arequipa Nexus Institute Research Symposium.
Jame, S. and L. Bowling (2019). Regional Variability in Controlled Drainage. Poster presented at the Transforming Drainage conference, June 4-6, 2019, Minnesota.
Cherkauer, K.A., L.C. Bowling, J.S. Dukes and M. Widhalm (2019). Projecting Future Climate Impacts to Indiana’s Water Resources. Abstract GC41G-1266 presented at the 2019 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019.
Zhu, Y., K.A. Cherkauer, and Q. Chen (2019). Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration from High Resolution Thermal Imagery. Abstract H21C-03 presented at the 2019 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2019.
Lyu, B., S.D. Smith, Yexiang Xue, Keith A. Cherkauer. Deriving Vegetation Indices from High-throughput Images by Using Unmanned Aerial Systems in Soybean Breeding. Abstract 1900279. Presented at the 2019 Annual International Meeting of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Boston, MA, July 7-10, 2019. ITSC Community Paper Award Winner, 2019
Bocardo-Delgado, E., A. Morales, and J. Pinto. Macroinvertebrados como indicadores de calidad de agua en la cabecera del Rio Colca. Poster presented at the 2019 Arequipa Nexus Institute Research Symposium, Purdue University, July 25.
Brecheisen, Z., A.G.L. Moraes, N. Hamp-Adams, A. Watkins, E. Bocardo-Delgado, T.R. Filley, K.A. Cherkauer, and D.G. Schulze. Regional to local agricultural remote sensing in Arequipa, Peru. Digital Agriculture Roundtable, Lafayette, IN. September 10, 2019.
Dawley, P., F. Daneshvar, L. C. Bowling. Ecological Flow Requirements for Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in the Arequipa Region, Peru. Poster presented at the 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Purdue University, July 25.
Watkins, A., A. Moraes, K. Cherkauer, J. Pinto. Establishment of a Crop Mapping Methodology Using Remote Sensing for the Arequipa Region. Poster presented at the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, Purdue University, July 25, 2019.
Moreira, F.F., M.A. Lopez, L. Brito, K.A. Cherkauer, and K.M. Rainey. Combining high-throughput phenotyping and GWAS to reveal temporal genetic variation in soybean biomass. Proceedings National Association of Plant Breeders 2019 Annual Meeting, Aug 25-29, Pine Mountain, GA.
Lopez, M.A., F.F. Moreira, A.A. Hearst, K.A. Cherkauer, K.M. Rainey. Revealing genetic architecture of physiological efficiencies controlling grain yield in soybean. Proceedings National Association of Plant Breeders 2019 Annual Meeting, Aug 25-29, Pine Mountain, GA.
Moreira, F.F., M.A. Lopez, M. Herrero-Huerta, K.A. Cherkauer and K.M. Rainey. Genetic Architecture of Soybean Biomass Development Derived from Field-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping. Proceedings Plant and Animal Genome Conference XXVII, Jan 12-16, 2019, San Diego, CA.
Chin, N., K. A. Cherkauer, L. C. Bowling, I. Chaubey, D. Ficklin, S. Kines, C. Lee, R. P. Neupane, G. Pignotti, S. Rahman, S. Singh, P. V. Femeena, T. N. Williamson. Integrated Water Resource Management in a Changing Climate: Findings from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment. AWRA 2019 Spring Specialty Conference. Setting Conditions for the Success of Integrated Water Resources Management. Omaha, NE, March 23-27, 2019
Sellars, Sarah C., Nathanael M. Thompson, Michael E. Wetzstein, Laura C. Bowling, Keith A. Cherkauer, Jane R. Frankenberger, Linda S. Prokopy (2019). Does Crop Insurance Inhibit Climate-Change Irrigation-Technology Adaption?, Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) 51st Annual Meeting. Birmingham, AL, February 5-9, 2019.
Rahman, S. and L. Bowling (2018). Hydrologic Response to Groundwater Withdrawals in the Upper Wabash River. Oral presentation delivered at the Geological Society of America annual meeting, November 4-7, 2018, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Jame, S. and L. Bowling (2018). Does groundwater law influence groundwater withdrawals? Poster presented at the Women in Science conference, October 5-7, 2018, University of Notre Dame.
Smith, S. D., S. J. Kines, K. A. Cherkauer, S. Wang, A. W. Wood and L. C. Bowling, Analyzing Effects of Inundated Land Area on Downstream Flow in the Red River Basin, Abstract H31A-06 presented at the 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 10-14 December 2018.
Cherkauer, K. A., L. C. Bowling, S. J. Kines, C. Lee, N. Singh, S. D. Smith and Y. Zhu, A multi-scale approach to improved simulation of agroecosystem response to climate in the Midwestern United States, Abstract H34H-09 presented at the 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 10-14 December 2018.
Bowling, L. C., K. A. Cherkauer, B. M Gramig, M. Widhalm, and J. S. Dukes, Preparing Indiana's Agriculture for a Changing Climate, Abstract B31C-03 presented at the 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 10-14 December 2018.
Moraes, A., K. A. Cherkauer, L. C. Bowling, F. Daneshvar, C. Zeballos, P. Ynyachi. Terrain Sensitive Climate Mapping for Arequipa Region in Peru, Abstract H41I-2178 presented at the 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 10-14 December 2018.
Daneshvar, F., I. Chaubey, L. C. Bowling, K. A. Cherkauer, A. Moraes, and J. Herrera, Assessment of climate change impacts on semi-arid watersheds in Peru, Abstract EP53F-1960 presented at the 2018 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., 10-14 December 2018.
Popovici, R., A. Erwin, Z. Ma, L. Zanotti, L. Bowling and J. Bauchet. How Formal and Informal Institutions Interact to Shape Watershed Management in the Colca Watershed of Peru, Sustainability and Development Conference, November 2018.
Richard H. Grant, Stuart D. Smith, Stephen Lien Harrell, Alex Younts, and Preston M. Smith. 2018. Windows-based Workflows on Linux-based Beowulf Clusters. In PEARC ’18: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, July 22–26, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5 pages.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2018). “Climate Change Impacts and Strategies for Adaptation for Water Resources Management in Indiana: A Summary of Findings from the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment Report,” Indiana Section of the American Water Works Association Annual Conference, January 22-25, 2018, Indianapolis, IN.
Smith, S. D., S. Wang, A. W. Wood, M. M. DeWeese, K. A. Cherkauer and L. C. Bowling (2018). Evaluating the Effects of Inundated Land Area on Downstream Flow Using the LIS-VIC Model. American Meteorological Society 98th Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 2018, Austin, TX.
Rahman, S., Hoover, F-A, and L. Bowling (2017). Can There Ever Be Enough to Impact Water Quality? Evaluating BMPs in Elliot Ditch, Indiana Using the LTHIA-LID Model. Oral presentation delivered at the American Geophysical Union annual conference, December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Rahman, S., Hoover, F-A, and L. Bowling (2017). Can There Ever Be Enough? Implementing BMPs in Elliot Ditch, Indiana Using the LTHIA-LID Model and a Power Analysis. 38th Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Symposium, June 28-30, 2017, Marshall, Indiana.
Jame, S., L. Bowling, T.W. Hertel, L. Jing and I. Haqiqi (2017). The influence of US water law on irrigation expansion. Oral presentation at Global Trade Analysis Project conference, June 7-9, 2017, West Lafayette, Purdue University.
Jame, S. and L. Bowling (2017). Quantifying the water storage volume of major aquifers in the US. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union annual conference, December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana. H51G-0659.
Rainey, K.M. and K.A. Cherkauer (2017). Development of Analytical Tools for Drone-based Canopy Phenotyping in Crop Breeding. Proceedings National Association of Plant Breeders 2017 Annual Meeting, Aug 7-9, Davis CA.
Chin, N., K. A. Cherkauer (2017). Climate Change Impacts and Strategies for Adaptions for Water Resources Management in Indiana. Indiana Water Resources Association Conference, Turkey Run State Park, IN, 2017.
Smith, S. D. and L. C. Bowling (2017). “Seasonal Patterns in Water Quality in a Managed Wetland,” Indiana Water Resources Association Conference, Turkey Run State Park, IN, 2017.
Y. Zhu, and K. Cherkauer (2017). Monitoring for Crop Growth from Unmanned Aircraft Systems with Thermal and Multispectral Sensing Technologies. Presented at 2017 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting, July 16-19, 2017, Spokane, WA.
Xavier, A., A. Hearst, K. Cherkauer and K.M. Rainey (2017). Genetic Architecture of Phenomic-enabled Canopy Coverage in Soybean. Presented to Dow AgroSciences Groups: Trait Genomic & Technology, Canola, Cotton, Soybean, Corn, and Phenomics, Mar 30, Indianapolis, IN.
Wang, S., K. Cherkauer, A. W. Wood, L. C. Bowling, C. D. Peters-Lidard, A. Getirana, M. M. DeWeese, and P. J. Restrepo (2017). Simulating Inundated Land Area in the Red River Basin using the VIC model within the NASA Land Information System (3A.6). Presented at the 97th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA., 23 Jan.
Hoover, F-A, Bowling, L.C., Turco, R., Peel, S. and Rahman, S. (2016). Paired versus Single Site Catchment Analysis for Elliot Ditch and Little Wea Creek in Lafayette, IN. Oral presentation delivered at the IWRA the annual conference, June 8-10, 2016, Angola, Indiana.
Moreira, F.F., A.A. Hearst, K.A. Cherkauer, and K.M. Rainey (2016). High-throughput phenotyping of canopy development in soybean. Proceedings of the 4th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, Dec. 13-15, El Batan, Mexico.
Jame, S. and L. Bowling (2016). Subsurface Drainage Contribution to Streamflow in the Corn Belt Region. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union annual conference, December 12-16, 2016, San Francisco, California. H43B-1428.
Chin, N., K. A. Cherkauer, and R. Wang (2016). Modeling Potential Climate Change Impacts on Row Crop Agriculture in the Midwestern United States. Oral presentation at American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting; December 12-16, San Francisco, CA.
Cherkauer, K. A., Chin, N., L. S. Prokopy (2016). Assessing Climate Change Perceptions, Management Strategies and Information Needs for Indiana Agricultural and Forestry Sectors. Poster presentation at American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting; December 12-16, San Francisco, CA.
Chin, N., and K. A. Cherkauer (2016). Quantifying the potential impacts of climate change on trends in extreme weather for Great Lakes agriculture. Oral and poster presentation at AgroEnviron 2016: 10th International Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment; May 23-27, West Lafayette, IN.
Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, and L. C. Bowling (2016). Subsurface drain flow estimation using water table observations to estimate nutrient loads. 2016 NCERA-217 and ADMS meeting. West Lafayette, IN. March 2016. (Poster)
Saadat, S., L. C. Bowling, and J. Frankenberger (2016). Quantifying nutrient loads with estimated drain flow using water table observation. 2016 10th International Drainage Symposium Conference. Minneapolis, MN. September 2016. doi:10.13031/IDS.20162514998. (Oral)
Rahman, S. and L. Bowling (2016). Impact of Groundwater Withdrawals on Aquifer Storage and Streamflow Response in the Upper Wabash River Basin. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union annual conference, December 12-16, 2016, San Francisco, California. H53B-1700.
Rahman, S. and L. Bowling (2016). Reconstruction of Naturalized Daily Streamflow for the Upper Wabash River. Oral presentation delivered at the IWRA annual conference, June 8-10, 2016, Angola, Indiana.
Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, and L. C. Bowling (2016). Nitrate and Phosphorous Losses from an Agricultural Drained Field in Indiana under Free and Controlled Tile Drainage. ASABE Annual International Meeting 2016, Orlando, FL. 17-20 Jul. Paper No. 162461405.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2016). Teaching remote sensing for precision agriculture (Invited). ASABE Annual International Meeting 2016, Orlando, FL. 17-20 Jul. Paper No. 162538497.
Saadat, S., J. Frankenberger, L. C. Bowling and K. Brooks (2015). Drainage water management effect on water table recession rate. Paper No. 152190286. ASABE Annual International Conference. New Orleans, LA. July 2015. (Oral)
Hodaj, A., L. Bowling, R. Cibin, and I. Chaubey (2015). Evaluation of the two-stage ditch as a best management practice. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. EP43B-0980.
Chagas, I., C-H Huang, L. Bowling, and D. Smith (2015). Estimating phosphorus removal by steel slag in a flume experiment: effects of P concentrations and subsurface hydrological conditions. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. H11F-1405.
Hoover, F-A, L. Bowling, and L. Prokopy (2015). Combining the Power of Statistical Analyses and Community Interviews to Identify Adoption Barriers for Stormwater Best-Management Practices. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. H24F-04.
Chin, N., J. Day, S. Sydnor, and K. Cherkauer (2015). Using Scenario Development to Encourage Tourism Business Resilience in the Great Lakes. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. GC23F-1190.
Lee, C., L. Bowling and K. Cherkauer (2015). Projecting the impact of climate change on the effectiveness of Controlled Drainage in the U.S. Corn Belt. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. GC51D-1121.
Cherkauer, K., N. Singh, M. Ashfaq, and D. Rastogi (2015). Food Security Hotspots in India under Changing Climate and Growing Population. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. H13J-1725.
Chaubey, I., R Cibin, J, Frankenberger, K. A. Cherkauer, J. Volenec and S. Brouder (2015). Biofuel Induced Land Use Change effects on Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. H53N-06.
Rahman, S., and L. C. Bowling (2015). Indiana freshwater use projection and spatial analysis for renewable water supply. Poster session presented at: The GIS day at Purdue University; 2015 November 12-13; West Lafayette, IN.
Rahman, S., and L. C. Bowling (2015). Reconstruction of Naturalized Daily Streamflow for the Upper Wabash River. Poster session presented at: The GIS day at Purdue University; 2015 November 12-13; West Lafayette, IN.
Bowling, L. C., K. A. Cherkauer, C-M Chiu, and S. Rahman (2015). The residence time of intensively managed agricultural landscapes. EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-14872.
Cherkauer, K. A., and A. A. Hearst (2015). Automatic Extraction of Small Spatial Plots from Geo-Registered UAS Imagery. EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-14869.
Saadat, S., C. Hughes, G. B. Lahdou, J. Frankenberger, L. C. Bowling, and E. Kladivko (2014). Drainage water management effect on soil moisture, drain flow, and overland flow. Poster presented at the Corn System CAP annual conference, Resilient Agriculture: Adapting to a Changing Climate. Ames, Iowa. August 5-7, 2014.
Hughes, C., Strock, J.S., L.C. Bowling, M.J. Helmers, N. Fausey, E.J. Kladivko and J. Frankenberger (2014). Characterization of Grain Yield Under Drainage Water Management Practices Using Differences in Soil Moisture. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2014 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2-5, 2014, Abstract 311-7.
Kalcic, M., Frankenberger, J., Chaubey, I., Prokopy, L., and L. Bowling (2014). An adaptive targeting approach for adoption of agricultural conservation practices. 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop: Improving Water Quality and the Environment. The University of Waikato, New Zealand, November 3 - 6, 2014.
Bowling, L.C., K. Cherkauer, B. Gramig, S. Rahman, M. Modiri-Gharehveran and M. VanDop (2014). Who gets it? Water use in Indiana now and tomorrow. Defining Indiana’s Water Needs: Research and Solutions, Indianapolis, IN, December 12, 2014.
Cherkauer, K. A., and N. Singh (2014). Assessing the Impact of Population Growth, Climate Change, and Land Use Change on Water Resources in India. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. GC21B-0536.
Hearst, A., K. C. Cherkauer, and K. Rainey (2014). Optimizing UAS Image Acquisition and Geo-Registration for Precision Agriculture. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. B51F-0072.
Raj, C., I. Chaubey, S. Brouder, L. C. Bowling, K. A. Cherkauer, J. Frankenberger, R. Goforth, B. Gramig, and J. Volenec (2014). Sustainability analysis of bioenergy based land use change under climate change and variability. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. H53E-0909.
Chagas, I., C. Huang, D. Smith and L. Bowling (2014). Assessment of Pollutants Sequestration in Flowing Waters Using Phosphorus Removal Materials. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2014 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2-5, 2014, Abstract 334-10.
Chagas, I., C. Huang, D. Smith and L. Bowling (2014). Assessment of Electrical Conductivity As a Surrogate Measurement for Water Samples in a Tracer Injection Experiment. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2014 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2-5, 2014, Abstract 334-11.
Strock, J.S., L.C. Bowling, M.J. Helmers, N. Fausey, E.J. Kladivko and J. Frankenberger (2014). Characterization of Grain Yield Under Drainage Water Management Practices Using Differences in Soil Moisture. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2014 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2-5, 2014, Abstract 311-7.
Bowling, L.C. (2014). Soil Function and Hydrologic Modeling of Poorly Drained Soils Across Spatial Scales. (Invited) ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2014 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2-5, 2014, Abstract 136-6.
Kladivko, E.J. and L.C. Bowling (2014). Nitrate Leaching to Subsurface Drains As Affected By Cover Crops, Drainage Intensity, and Rainfall Distribution. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2014 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2-5, 2014, Abstract 173-10.
Cherkauer, K.A., and N. Singh (2014). Assessing the Impact of Population Growth, Climate Change, and Land Use Change on Water Resources in India. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. GC21B-0536.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2014). Image Analysis for Field Phenotyping: Practical Aspects for Breeders - Academic and Industry (Invited), Phenotyping Panel, Fall 2014 University and Industry Consortium Meeting, Cary, NC.
Montgomery, A. K., R. Wang, S. M. Brouder, I. Chaubey, J. J. Volenec (2014). Water quality effects of cellulosic biofuel crops grown on marginal land. 2014 ASABE and CSBE/SCGAB Annual International Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 13-16 Jul. 2014.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2014). UAS Applications in Agriculture and Hydrologic Research (Invited), Applications of UAS to Land and Natural Resource Management, Argonne National Laboratories, July 16-17.
Hodaj, A., and L.C. Bowling (2014). Monitoring a two-stage ditch and its impact on water quality. Oral presentation presented at the ASABE and CSBE | SCGAB Annual International Meeting, Session 308, Ecohydrology. Montreal, Canada.
Hodaj, A. (2014). Webinar: Purdue's Two-Stage Ditch: What we've learned so far about what to plant and impacts on nutrients and fish - May 7, 2014.
Chin, N (2014). Creating Usable Climate Change Science for Great Lakes Tourism Destination Communities (Invited), Panel presentation at the Dynamics of Climate Conference, West Lafayette, IN, June 19.
Sydnor, S., N. Chin (2014). Natural Disasters, Climate Change and Tourism. Oral presentation at the 10th International Conference of The International Institute for Infrastructure Resilience and Reconstruction (I3R2): Collaboration for Effective Disaster Mitigation and Response, West Lafayette, IN, May 20-22.
Wang, R., L. C. Bowling, and K. A. Cherkauer (2013). Assessing the impact of climate variability and change on crop production in the Midwestern USA. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. GC13B-1081.
Wang, L., D. C. Flanagan, and K. A. Cherkauer (2013). Development of a Coupled WEPP-WQ model. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. H31H-1290
Raj, C., I. Chaubey, K. A. Cherkauer, S. M. Brouder, and J. J. Volenec (2013). Watershed scale environmental sustainability analysis of biofuel production in changing land use and climate scenarios. American Geophysical Union (AGU) conte.ecncFall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec.H31H-1317.
Chin, N., J. Day, S. Sydnor, and K. A. Cherkauer (2013). Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism-Dependent Communities in the Great Lakes. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. NH51B-1616.
Hoover, F-A, and L. C. Bowling (2013). An Integrative Analysis of an Extensive Green Roof System: A Case Study of the Schleman Green Roof. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. H21J-1195.
Roath, J., and L. C. Bowling (2013). An Evaluation of Spatial Variability of Water Stress Index across the United States: Implications of Supply and Demand in the East vs the West. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. H31C-1187.
Bowling, L. C. (2013). Hydrometeorologic impacts of urban expansion and the role of spatial arrangement (Invited). American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec. GC52A-05.
Yoder, C., C. Huang, L. Bowling and D.R. Smith (2013), Quantifying Subsurface Hydrology Effects on Chemical Transport in Agricultural Drainage Ditches Using a 20 Meter Flume. 34th Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Conference, Portland, OR, November 4-7, 2013, oral.
Chen, W.C. and K. A. Cherkauer (2013), The effect of change wind speed on hydrologic process by using VIC model, The 56th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research.
Cherkauer, K. A., W.C. Chen, S. Ahmed, C. D. Troy, and T. O. Höök (2013), Analysis of the impact of bias correction of NARR data on simulations of Lake Michigan, The 56th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research.
Hodaj A., L. C. Bowling, J. R. Frankenberger, I. Chaubey, R. R. Goforth (2013). Monitoring a two-stage ditch and its impact on water quality. 34th Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Conference; June 19-21, 2013, Muncie, IN.
Yoder, C., C. Huang, L. Bowling and D.R. Smith (2013). Subsurface Effects on Chemical Transport in Agricultural Drainage Ditches Using a 20 Meter Flume. 34th Annual Indiana Water Resources Association Conference, Muncie, IN, June 19-21, 2013, oral.
Day, J. and N. Chin (2013). Building Resilience to Climate Change in Great Lakes Communities: Tourism Dependent Destinations. Oral presentation at the International Association for Great Lakes Research Conference; June 2-6, West Lafayette, IN.
Essig, R.R., Troy, C.D., Chaubey, I., Cherkauer, K.A. and Tan, J. (2013). Nutrient Loading Spatial and Temporal Trends and Contribution Comparison of Lake Michigan Tributaries, presented at the 56th Annual Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 4 June.
Tan, J., Cherkauer, K.A., Chaubey, I., Troy, C.D. and Essig, R.(2013). Monitoring water quality of episodic river inflow plumes in Southern Lake Michigan using remote sensing., presented at the 56th Annual Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 4 June.
Cherkauer, K. A., and Tan, J. (2013). Remote Sensing of Water Quality (Invited). International Workshop on Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Agriculture, Environment, and Defense, Sau Carlo, Brazil, April 8-9.
F. Hoover, L. Bowling (2013), Water Quality Evaluation for an Extensive Green Roof System, Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs Spring Reception, Purdue University, April, 1, 2013, poster
Hodaj A., R. R. Goforth, I. Chaubey, L. C. Bowling (2013). Two-stage ditch as a conservation practice to improve fish habitat. Presented at the technical poster session: Agricultural Hydrology, II. American Water Resources Association 2013 Spring Specialty Conference; March 25-27, 2013, St. Louis, MO.
F. Hoover, L. Bowling (2013), Water Quality Evaluation for an Extensive Green Roof System, Int'l Perspectives on Water Res. in the Envirn, Izmir, Turkey, Jan7-9th 2013, Oral
Gould, G, J. C. Adam, M. E. Barber, J. W. Wagenbrenner, P. R. Robichaud, L. Wang and K. A. Cherkauer (2012). Large-Scale Simulation of the Effects of Climate Change on Runoff Erosion Following Extreme Wildfire Events. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 3-7 Dec. GC11A-0967.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2012) The Changing Nature of Water Storage in the Great Lakes Basin and its Implications for Future Sustainability (Invited). American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 3-7 Dec. H54E-06.
Hoover, F., and L. C. Bowling (2012). Green Roofs as a Tool for Stormwater Management and Water Quality Control; A case study of the Schleman Green Roof. Urban Rise: Footprints of a global civilization, ESE Symposium, Purdue University, 16-17 October.
Wang, L., K. A. Cherkauer, and D. Flanagan (2012). The Role of Cold Season Process on Soil Erosion in Great Lakes Region presented at American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America (ASA-CSSA-SSSA) International Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, 23 Oct.
Chiu, C. M., T. Bohn, L. C. Bowling, R. H. Grant, and C.J. Johnston (2012). The influence of Agricultural Drainage Practices On Carbon Emissions From Cultivated Organic Soils in Kankakee River Basin, Indiana, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, October 21-24, S06, Abstract 139-5.
Wang, R., L. Bowling, and K. Cherkauer (2012), “Estimation of Aeration Stress Effects On Crop Yields in Midwest USA.” ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings. Oct. 21-24, 2012, Cincinnati, OH.
Chin, N., J. Day, S. Sydnor, K. A. Cherkauer (2012). Tourism and Climate Change: The impact of weather on tourism profitability. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Tourism, Climate Change, and Sustainability; September 13-14, 2012, Bournemouth, UK.
Essig, R. R., C. D. Troy, I. Chaubey, K. A. Cherkauer, and J. Tan (2012). Temporal and Spatial Variations of Nutrient Loading from Southern Lake Michigan, presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Cornwall, Ontario, CA, 16 May.
Roath, J. A. and L. C. Bowling (2012). Policy Implications Due to the Dependence of Water Stress Index on Spatial Scale across the United States, poster presentation at the 12th Annual National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) Conference, Washington, D.C., 18-20 Jan.
Chen, W-C, K. Cherkauer and K. Hayhoe (2012). Assessing the Uncertainty in Simulating Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Processes Using Multiple Downscaling Methods: Application to the Lake Michigan Region, presented at the 92nd American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA., 26 Jan.
Cherkauer, K. A., S. Rutkowski, and J. W. F. Remo (2012). Assessing 21st Century Changes in Flood Risk Related to Climate Change Along the Upper Mississippi River, USA, presented at the 92nd American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA., 26 Jan.
Roath, J. A. and L. C. Bowling (2011). Dependence of Water Stress Index on Spatial Scale across the United States, poster presentation at the 5th Annual Ecological Sciences and Engineering Symposium, West Lafayette, IN, 8 Nov.
Tan, J., K. A. Cherkauer, and I. Chaubey (2011). Quantification of Water Quality Parameters for the Wabash River Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 5-9 Dec. H51I-1325.
Ashfaq, M., S. Gosh; S.-C. Kao, L. C. Bowling, P. Mote, S. A. Rauscher; N. S. Diffenbaugh (2011). Near-term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western U.S. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 5-9 Dec. GC31B-1043.
Chiu, C.-M., and L. C. Bowling (2011). Anthropogenic modifications to drainage conditions on streamflow variability in the Wabash River basin, Indiana. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 5-9 Dec. H41C-1041.
Bowling, L. C. (2011). Paper versus plastic, water versus carbon and sustainable agriculture in the US. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 5-9 Dec. H42D-04.
Muenich, M. R., L. C. Bowling, P. R. Owens, E. J. Kladivko, and V. Merwade (2011). The Impacts of Soil Properties, Subsurface Drainage, and Surface Depressions on Runoff Production in a Recently Glaciated Landscape. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 5-9 Dec. H51F-1253.
Rutkowski, S. M., Cherkauer K. A., and L. C. Bowling (2011). Quantifying Subsurface Drainage Using the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model, presented at the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) 47th Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. 7-10 Nov.
Roath, J. A., and Bowling, L. C. (2011) Dependence of Water Stress Index on Spatial Scale across the United States presented at the 5th Annual Ecological Sciences and Engineering Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, 9-Nov.
Rutkowski, S. M., Bowling, L. C., and K. A. Cherkauer (2011). Quantifying Subsurface Drainage Using the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model, presented at the Indiana Water Resources Association (IWRA) 32nd Annual Conference, Ball State University, Muncie IN., 1-3 Jun. Winner of best student presentation.
Ale, S., Rutkowski, S. M., and L. C. Bowling (2011). The Influence of Subsurface Drainage on Watershed Stream Flow and Nitrate Load, and the Potential for Water Conservation. Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference, Washington, D.C., 31 Jan - 1 Feb.
Bowling, L. C., G. Yang, L. Ming, K. A. Cherkauer, D. Niyogi and B. C. Pijanowski (2011), Urbanization impact on summer convective storm and flood magnitudes in the Great Lakes region, American Meteorological Society (AMS) 91st annual meeting, Seattle, WA.
Cherkauer, K. A., and V. Mishra (2011), Observed climate variability and change impacts on agricultural productivity in the Midwestern US, American Meteorological Society (AMS) 91st annual meeting, Seattle, WA.
Mishra, V and K. A. Cherkauer (2011) Large Scale Climate Variability: Implications to small lakes in the Great Lakes Region, 54th International Conference on Great Lakes Research, International Association of Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Duluth, MN.
Yang, G., L. C. Bowling (2010), Detection of changes in hydrologic system memory associated with urbanization in the Great Lakes region, USA. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Yang, G., L. C. Bowling, K. A. Cherkauer and B. C. Pijanowski (2010), The impact of urban development patterns on hydrologic regime. Indiana Water Resource Association 31st Symposium, Purdue, IN.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2010), Climate and land use change impacts on water resources in the U.S., China-U.S. Workshop on Sustainable Management of Soil and Water Resources, Shenyang, China.
Mishra, V. and K. A. Cherkauer (2010), Trends, Variability and Extremes of Summer Drought in the Midwest United States: the Role of Climate Variability and Snow Storage, American Meteorological Society (AMS) 90th annual meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Mishra, V., K. A. Cherkauer and L. C. Bowling (2010), Are small lakes becoming ice free in the Great Lakes Region?, American Meteorological Society (AMS) 90th annual meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Cherkauer, K. A., V. Mishra and T. Sinha (2010), Hydrology in a Changing Environment: Lessons from the Midwest, Steve Burges Retirement Symposium, Seattle, WA.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2010), Climate Change and the National Lakeshore, special presentation at the Indiana Dunes Visitor Center, June 25th.
Leach, M., K. A. Cherkauer, and W-C Chen (2010), Large-scale oak savanna restoration in Wisconsin: What regional climate change models foretell, 95th Ecological Society of America (EAS) Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Frey, G., P. Schwab, K. Cherkauer, M. K. Banks and M. Qu (2010), Thermal properties of green roof media during plant establishment and growth, Purdue SURF Symposium, West Lafayette, IN.
Tan, J. and K. A. Cherkauer (2010), Assessing stream temperature variations in the Pacific Northwest using airborne thermal infrared remote sensing, Abstract H43G-1333 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.
Mishra, V., K. A. Cherkauer, and J. P. Verdin (2010), Supporting Climate Trends of Corn and Soybean Production in the USA, Abstract PA21D-1661 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.
Bowling, L. C , V. Mishra, K. A. Cherkauer, M. Lei, D. Niyogi, B. C. Pijanowski, D. Ray and G. Yang (2009), Urbanization impacts of the hydroclimatology of the Upper Great Lakes Region, American Meteorological Society (AMS) 89th annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Cherkauer, K. A., V. Mishra and T. Sinha (2009), Hydrologic Impacts of Projected Future Climate Change in the Lake Michigan Region, Western Great Lakes Research Conference, Ashland, WI.
Cherkauer, K. A., V. Mishra and T. Sinha (2009), Hydrologic Impacts of Projected Future Climate Change in the Lake Michigan Region, 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Chiu, C., L. C. Bowling, T. J. Bohn, R. H. Grant, and C. T. Johnston, 2009, Carbon dynamics in north temperate drained peatlands, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Mishra, V. and K. A. Cherkauer (2009), Impacts of Regional Scale Climate Variability on the Occurrence and Severity of Drought Events. 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Naz, B. S., Bowling, L. C., N. S. Diffenbaugh, P. Owens, M. Ashfaq, and S. Shafiq-Ur-Rehman (2009), Hydrological Sensitivity of the Upper Indus River to Glacier Changes in the Karakoram Himalaya Region, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #C31C-0455
Yang, G., L. C. Bowling, K. A. Cherkauer and B. C. Pijanowski (2009), Hydrologic response to urbanization in the Milwaukee River basin, WI, American Meteorological Society (AMS) 89th annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Abou Najm, M., R. Mohtar, J. Jabro, D. Schulze, J. Weiss, B. Iversen, K. A. Cherkauer and E. Braudeau (2008), Towards a better understanding of the cracking behavior in soils, First International Conference on Hydropedology, Penn State.
Ale, S., L. C. Bowling, M. A. Youssef and S. M. Brouder (2008), Simulating the effects of fertilization and drainage water management on nitrogen loss to tile drains, ASABE Annual Meeting Paper No. 084014, St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Ashfaq, M., L. C. Bowling, K. A. Cherkauer, J. S. Pal and N. S. Diffenbaugh (2008), Bias-correction of high-resolution, daily-scale, climate simulations, EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC43C-0760.
Bachmann, C. M., V. Mishra and Others (2008), Remote sensing retrieval of substrate bearing strength from hyperspectral imagery at the Virginia Coast Reserve (VCR'07) multi-sensor campaign, IGRAS, at Boston (USA).
Bowling, L. C., K. A. Cherkauer and J. C. Adam (2008), Current capabilities in soil thermal representations within a large scale hydrology model, 9th International Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, AK.
Bowling, L. C., K. A. Cherkauer, D. Niyogi and B. C. Pijanowski (2008), Multi-sensor/multi-scale assessment of urban impacts in the Great Lakes Region, NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting, Adelphi, Maryland.
Bowling, L.C., K.A. Cherkauer, M. Lei, V. Mishra, D. Niyogi, B. Pijanowski, D. Ray, and G. Yang (2008), Impact of future urban expansion on hydroclimatology in the Upper Great Lakes Region, EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract GC43C-0760.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2008), Potential impacts of a changing climate in the Great Lakes basin, Rotary Club World Affairs Conference - Hammond, Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2008), The impact of changing climate and precipitation in the Great Lakes basin, Illinois - Indiana Sea Grant seminar series, Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, IN.
Chiu, C. M., and L. C. Bowling, 2008, Seasonal and interannual variability of active layer development in permafrost wetland systems, 9th international Conference on Permafrost, Fairbanks, AK.
Mishra, V., K. A. Cherkauer, and L. C. Bowling (2008), Impacts of climate variability and change on inland lakes in Michigan, 88th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society (AMS), New Orleans, LA.
Mishra, V., K. A. Cherkauer, and L. C. Bowling (2008), Impacts of lakes and wetlands on the surface energy balance in the Great Lakes Region, EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H43G-1102.
Mishra, V., K. A. Cherkauer, M. M. Crawford ,and L. C. Bowling (2008), Sensitivity study of lakes/wetlands processes using remote sensing data and a land surface model. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ASABE), Rhode Island.
Naz, B. S., Bowling, L. C. and Crawford, M. M. (2008).Quantification of Glacier Changes Using ICESat Elevation Data and the SRTM Digital Elevation Model in the Western Karakoram Himalaya Region. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract #C23A-0592
Sinha, T., K. A. Cherkauer, and V. Mishra (2008), Seasonal soil frost in response to future climate change in Midwest US, Annual Meeting ASABE, Providence, Rhode Island.
Sinha, T., K. A. Cherkauer, and V. Mishra (2008), Historic climate impacts on seasonal soil frost in the Midwestern US, 88th AMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Abstract 135102.
Wuebbles, D., K. Hayhoe and K. A. Cherkauer (2008), Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Great Lakes Region (Invited), EOS Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS54B-08.
Wuebbles, D., K. Hayhoe and K. A. Cherkauer (2008), Climate change and the upper Mississippi River basin, Flood Forum, St. Louis University, November 11, 2008.
Yang, G., L. C. Bowling, K. A. Cherkauer and B. C. Pijanowski (2008), Hydrologic Response to Urban Spatial Metrics in the White River Basin, IN, Geological Society of America (GSA) - 42nd Annual Meeting, Evansville, IN.
Ale, S., B. S. Naz and L. C. Bowling (2007), Mapping of tile drains in Hoagland watershed for simulating the effects of drainage water management, ASABE Annual Meeting Paper No. 072144. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Cherkauer, K. A., Y.-T. Su, T. Sinha (2007), Parameterization of the spatial variability of cold season processes in the Midwestern United States, AGU Fall Meeting. Eos Trans. AGU, San Francisco, CA, Abstract H31D-0636.
Chiu, C. M., K. Sathulur, L. C. Bowling, E. Podest, T. J. Bohn, D. P. Lettenmaier, and K. C. McDonald (2007), Lake and wetland variability in regions of seasonal and permanent soil frost, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA
Mao, D., K. A. Cherkauer, and L. C. Bowling (2007), Improved vegetation properties for the estimation of evapotranspiration in the Midwestern United States, ASABE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Mao, D., K. A. Cherkauer, and D. C. Flanagan (2007), Development of a coupled soil erosion and large-scale hydrology modeling system: evaluation of impacts of land-use change on soil erosion, ASABE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Mao, D., K. A. Cherkauer, and D. C. Flanagan (2007), Impact of land-use change on soil erosion at regional scale: application of a coupled erosion and hydrologic modeling scheme, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abstract H31G-0751.
Mishra, V., K. A. Cherkauer, D. Niyogi, and B. C. Pijanowski (2007), Land Cover Land Use Change (LCLUC) and Climate Change: Impacts assessment and sensitivity to hydrologic processes in Wisconsin, First Annual Symposium of the Center for Environment Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Mishra, V., K. A. Cherkauer, T. Sinha, and M. Huber (2007), Variation of surface soil moisture and its implications under changing climate conditions, Second Graduate Climate Conference (GCC), University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Sinha, T., and K. A. Cherkauer (2007), Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Soil Frost in the Northern Midwest United States, ASABE Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Abstract 072159.
Yang, G., L. C. Bowling, K. A. Cherkauer and B. C. Pijanowski (2007), Hydrologic Response of Watersheds to Urbanization Across the Upper Great Lakes Region, USA, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abstract H43D-1612.
Adam, J. C., F. Su, L. C. Bowling, and D. P. Lettenmaier (2006), Evaluation and Improvement of a Macro-Scale Land Surface Hydrology Model for a Streamflow Trend Attribution Study in the Northern High Latitudes, FWI All-Hands Meeting, Estes Park, CO, May/June.
Ale, S., L. C. Bowling, S. Brouder, and J. R. Frankenberger (2006), Simulating the effects of drainage water management using DRAINMOD, ASABE, Portland, OR, July.
Bohn, T. J., L. C. Bowling, K. C. McDonald, and D. P. Lettenmaier (given by D.P. Lettenmaier) (2006), Diagnosis and prognosis of effects of changes in lake and wetland extent on the regional carbon balance of northern Eurasia, NASA landcover/land use change program PI meeting (University of Maryland), 12 April.
Bowling, L. C., K. A. Cherkauer, B. C. Pijanowski and D. Niyogi (2006), Impacts of land-use change on the water cycle of urban areas within the Upper Great Lakes drainage basin, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H11J-03.
Cherkauer, K. A., R. Handcock, J. E. Kay, S. K. Kampf, S. J. Burges and A. R. Gillespie (2006), An assessment of thermal infrared remote sensing and its usefulness in determining regional stream temperatures, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H33E-1560.
Cherkauer, K. A., B. C. Pijanowski and L. C. Bowling (2006), Hydrologic impacts of projected land-use change in the Upper Great Lakes drainage basin, ASABE Annual International Meeting, Portland, OR, July 11, Paper No. 062284.
Cherkauer, K. A. and L. C. Bowling (2006), Impact of watershed development and forest management on watershed sediment yields, Indiana Water Resour. Assoc., June 21.
Goss, A. M., L. Bowling, J. Harbor (2006), Assessing the Historical Impacts of Landscape Transformation on Water Fluxes, AWRA Spring Specialty Conference, Houston, TX, May.
Goss, A. M. and L. C. Bowling (2006), Recreating historical land cover change for hydrologic impact analysis, Muskegon River watershed, Michigan, IWRA Annual Symposium.
Mao, D., K. A. Cherkauer and D. C. Flanagan (2006), Large-scale impacts of frozen soil on soil erosion: coupling the WEPP model to a macro-scale hydrologic model, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H31C-1438.
Mao, D., K. A. Cherkauer and D. C. Flanagan (2006), Large-scale impacts of frozen soil on soil erosion: coupling the WEPP model to a macro-scale hydrologic model, ASABE Annual International Meeting, Portland, OR, July 11, Paper No. 062188.
Naz, B. S., L. C. Bowling, C. J. Johannsen and K. A. Cherkauer (2006), Automated Identification of Subsurface Drainage Systems of Agricultural Fields using Image Processing Techniques, 27th Annual Symposium, IWRA Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, June 21-23.
Naz, B. S., L. C. Bowling, E. J. Kladivko and K. A. Cherkauer (2006), Evaluation of distributed hydrology-soil-vegetation model (DHSVM) for simulating tile drained landscapes, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 12- 16, Abstract 725.
Sinha, T. and K. A. Cherkauer (2006), Time series analysis of soil freeze thaw processes in Indiana, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, November 12-16, Abstract 318-3.
Adam, J. C., D. P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, L. C. Bowling (2005), Exploring the Contributing Effects of Climate and Land Surface Changes on the Variability of Pan-Arctic River Discharge and Surface Albedo, 1st CliC International Science Conference, April.
Adam, J.C., D.P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, and L.C. Bowling (2005), The Role of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Pan-Arctic River Discharge and Surface Hydrologic Processes on Climate, FWI.
Goss, A. and L. Bowling (2005), Recreating historical land cover for hydrologic impact analysis, Muskegon River Watershed, Michigan, AWRA, Seattle, WA.
Mao, D. and K. A. Cherkauer (2005), Effects of Land Use Change on Evapotranspiration and Water Yield in the Great Lakes Region, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41D-0446.
Naz, B. S., C. J. Johannsen and L. C. Bowling (2005), Hydrologic Impact of Subsurface Drainage of Agricultural Fields. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41D-0447
Sinha, T. and K. A. Cherkauer (2005), Hydrologic Time Series Analysis Of Climatic Variables To Study Changes In Soil Freezing And Thawing Processes For Indiana, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C31A-1114.
Su, F. J. C. Adam, L. C. Bowling, and D. P. Lettenmaier (2005), Hydrological Simulations for the Pan-Arctic Drainage System 1st CliC International Science Conference, April.
Adam, J. C., D. P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, and L. C. Bowling (2004), Exploring the Role of Land Surface Changes on the Variability of Pan-Arctic Discharge, AGU.
Adam, J. C., D. P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, and L. C. Bowling (2004), The Role of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Pan-Arctic River Discharge and Surface Hydrologic Processes on Climate, NSF FWI All-Hands Meeting.
Adam, J. C., D. P. Lettenmaier, F. Su, L. C. Bowling (2004), Model-Based Estimation of River Flows to the Arctic Ocean, Spring AGU.
Cherkauer, K. A. (2004), Seasonal Soil Frost in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H13C-0427.
Doten, C. O., J. S. Lanini, L. C. Bowling, and D. P. Lettenmaier (2004), Prediction of Mass Wasting, Erosion, and Sediment Transport with the Distributed Hydrology-Soil-Vegetation Model, AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 Dec.
Mao, D. and K. A. Cherkauer (2004), Impacts of Land Cover and Land-use Change on the Water and Energy Cycle of the Great Lakes Region, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H11F-0346.