Wait, I’m Graduating in May?

It’s hard to believe that 4 great years have already passed, and it is time for me and my fellow May graduates to graduate in Ross-Ade Stadium in less than two months.  It feels just like yesterday we were packing up the truck and driving up to Purdue to get moved in and ready for BGR.  Me and my fellow graduating seniors have gotten to experience a lot of amazing things in the past 4 years, we got to see Purdue upset Ohio State with all of America witnessing the Tyler Trent game, we agonized as we witnessed Purdue come within mere seconds of a final four, and we had to navigate some unprecedented things in the past year as well, knowing full well that our college experiences would be forever changed by COVID-19.  I also got to meet some great people on campus as well, meeting some great professors, people in the department, and friends, many of whom that will quickly turn to professional contacts on May 15th.  I also got to study abroad and get to see how the country of Costa Rica does agriculture for a week, this was by far the best and most fun learning experience that I ever had.  I encourage everyone to take advantage of every second you have while still at Purdue, it will be worth it in the long run.  Enjoying a random Tuesday night getting dinner with your friends will be so much more memorable than doing homework (assuming it’s not due the next morning)!  Purdue is a great place, make the most of it!  

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