Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

With the spring semester just getting started it can be overwhelming trying to get back into the swing of things. When coming back from an extended break such as Christmas Break or Summer Break it can be hard to get back into your normal school routine. Classes, clubs, and jobs are just a few things that students have to relearn how to balance once they get back to campus. Personally for me it can take a few weeks to feel comfortable with my new class workload. A few tips and trick I have learned that help me get back into the swing of things are trying to keep my routine as close as I can from week to week, making lists of work and extracurriculars I need to prioritize, and sometimes taking a step back when needed so I can break down all the work I have into smaller bits and pieces.


It is easy to get stressed and overwhelmed these first few weeks of classes. So don’t forget to split up your workloads into smaller parts, remember that it will get easier once you get back into a school routine, and take time to have fun and not worry about all the stress. Good luck this spring semester boilers!

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