Southerners and Snow

Going to college 18 hours away from home was a part of Purdue that I was so excited about. Little did I fully understand what this meant; I would now have to navigate Purdue University in the winter. Now if the super low temperatures did not already scare this Southerner away, the amount of snow (that I did not even know was possible) has posed a big challenge to my walks to class. 

As we are in the middle of the semester, trudging through the snow and slipping on the ice, I would like to take a moment for gratitude. We, as Purdue University students, have the privilege of obtaining an education in a place where life does not stay stagnant. Whether it is exciting basketball games, constantly falling snow, or new study spaces being built, Purdue University works with us students to create an environment of support and growth. 

So, the next time I slip and fall on the way to my 9 AM class, I hope to laugh it off, remembering that I am so lucky to have a university that not only keeps me on my toes, but sweeps me off my feet. 

Stay Grounded (the best that you can!) 

-Claire King 

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