Always Looking Ahead

If you are like me, there is never a moment where you aren’t thinking about your Google Calendar, resume, or future graduate school application. In a dull moment in class, you are answering that email or planning out your homework load for the night. I have been like this for as long as I can remember, and, quite frankly, its exhausting. As I have gone through my first two years of college, I have never passed up an opportunity to create a better resume. I kept adding and adding to my to-do list without any regard for my free time or mental health. However, now that I start my junior year, I am realizing how quickly colleges goes by. I am realizing how, as important as your education is, you must also take advantage of the fun that college presents to you. Go on that walk, get the ice cream, and watch that movie with your friends, you’ll miss it when its gone. So, my parting word, is to stop always looking ahead, but start looking around at the beauty of the present. 

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