Finding Your Niche

College is a unique opportunity to find who you truly are. However, progress towards discovering the person you are meant to be can be stalled by the desire to “fit in”. Whether this push to conform comes from your friends, parents, or whoever, it is the greatest disservice you can do for yourself and your community. Once you start to celebrate your individuality, people notice and start to celebrate with you. Additionally, a strong individual will only aid the community. Various thoughts and ideas will help lead increased innovation and understanding. With all of this being said, how did I find my niche? Your niche can be through various things: clothes, organizations, hobbies, or the classes you take. Whenever I began to celebrate who I truly was, I became a better person, friend, and peer. I encourage all of you to take of some to get to know yourself, because cultivating self-love will greatly benefit you in every aspect of your life. 

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