Ag Alumni Fish Fry

During this semester, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the fish fry the college of agriculture puts on every year for alumni. I had a great time serving my community and being able to connect with those people who attended. I was able to meet some new people and enjoy some time with my fellow classmates.  I was able to hear from Purdue’s president and his plans for the future of the agriculture department. He talked about his vision for Purdue and how he wanted to continue to grow the college of agriculture and being able to hear that was really interesting. Awards were given out to faculty for their work during the event, which was cool to see them be recognized for their research. Being involved in agronomy club and agronomy ambassadors has allowed me to get involved in more ways than I ever thought possible. We always have a good time at meetings or different events we attend like the fish fry.  

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