How Many Stories Can Come From One Year of Farming?
Looking back into harvest this year, it was one for the books that we will always look back on. From high yields to farm injuries the stories from this year will continue to come up for years to come. It always seems like for our farm, harvest never wants to run smoothly for multiple years in a row. Which brings me to this year being one that was quite a pain to get through. To start off with, the combine monitor didn’t want to cooperate with us causing it to change its setting whenever it wanted. This led to many plug up and bad grain samples. Shortly after fixing this issue, we ran into many more when the drive belt for the rotors burnt up and plugged the combine again. After getting all the equipment back into working condition, injuries became our next topic. With mishaps injuring a few of our farm hands, harvest ended up lasting a lot longer then what we expected it to. With all of this said and done, we were able to complete harvest with fairly good yields and were very happy with how everything ended.