The Final Pass

As I sit here today I embark on the final pass on my undergraduate degree. It feels weird to say it but I am officially almost done and I do not know whether to be happy or sad. What I can say is that I have enjoyed my time in Purdue Agronomy and am glad I made the choice to pursue the degree. The friendships I have made, the lessons I have learned and the growth and development achieved has been monumental.
To you all, I have a few pieces of advice. One: Make the most of your time at Purdue. Do not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Take a chance and make good decisions. Two: Take any opportunity as it comes. Do not say no unless you have to. Many of the best memories and experiences came from times that I may not have been sure about the opportunity but, I took it anyway. Three and finally: Try your best at everything you do. Whether it be a simple assignment or your final project in your capstone classes. Always do your best.