Comparing Michigan and Indiana Winter (in my opinion)

I’ve been in Indiana consistently for over 1.5 years now. This is my second winter here, and as someone from West Michigan I see a lot of differences. First of all it’s way more windy in Indiana which makes it feel colder. I don’t enjoy this especially when I have to walk to class. Secondly, there is way less snow. I live only 20 minutes from Lake Michigan so I am used to a lot of snow. A common misconception is that it is always snowy in Michigan during the winter but it’s not (unless you go up north). It’s only really snowy when we get snowstorms which on average is maybe 3-6 times a year. There has never been hardly any snow at Purdue which is fine because I don’t like how wet it makes the discovery lot when it melts. I didn’t think moving three hours south I would see a huge difference in snow driving but I was wrong. We get 1 inch of snow here and people drive like it’s an ice storm. One thing I miss about the snow though is that it’s so pretty when it’s all on the pine trees and there are big snowflakes falling. I also miss snowmobiling which you can’t do in Indiana hardly ever. Overall I would like Indiana weather more if it wasn’t so windy or if they would cancel class.