Annual Hog Roast and Ag Olympics


Every year in the middle of October, Purdue Ag Council hosts a Hog Roast and Ag Olympics. They provide a great free meal consisting of pulled pork sandwiches (vegetarian option also available), chips, and cookies for all to enjoy. If you are sick of eating dining court food and need a change or just want to meet new people, this is a great event for you. Clubs in all areas of the college of ag are invited to compete in minute to win it style games in teams of four. Ag council prepares an array of events like sack races, egg tosses, straw bale tosses, mini obstacle courses, and many others. There are two awards given out at the end of the event for the team that wins the contest and the club that has the most spirit. All the clubs are encouraged to dress up and cheer for their team(s). This year I went with the agronomy club to help support our three teams. Unfortunately, we did not win either award, but we all had a blast cheering each other on and spending quality time together.

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