Advice for a New Student

You did it, congratulations! You got into your dream school. Take a moment to think about that. I remember being in your shoes, getting ready to move away from home and be out on your own for the first time. You have so many questions. Who will my friends be? Where will I live? Will I like my major? Am I going to be able to do this for four years? Trust me, I know what you are thinking. I am here to tell you that it will all be ok. If you are here at Purdue in agronomy, you will do just fine. Let me start m=by telling you what I learned when I was in your shoes.

               First I will say buy a nice pair of mittens. Not gloves, but mittens. Trust me, you will thank me later. Secondly, you will want a nice pair of rain boots. On a more serious note, get involved. I know you will hear that everywhere, but you will want those relationships you build during your time here. Getting involved allows you to meet people that you can sit with in class and study for exams. You will have friends that can explain the part of lecture you didn’t quite understand. You will want someone to go to the games with and cry and laugh with. By being involved you also get to expand your resume and go on cool trips. Some of my best memories have been from the trips I have gone on with agronomy club and the crops judging team. Lastly, if you don’t find your best friends here, that is ok to! I remember being sad because my friends weren’t my best friends yet. It is ok, you are not alone, just keep showing up for people and remove yourself from groups as you need. It is totally ok to have your best friends back in your hometown still. College wont be the best years of life, and that is normal, but they will be the years when you learn the most. So take those lessons day by day, and devote yourself to soaking it all up.

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