Agronomy Ambassador Blog

“When in Greece…”

By Emily Harker | Apr 18, 2023

During spring break I traveled to Greece with around 20 other students in the College of Agriculture at Purdue. We stayed in two major cities to experience the culture and learn about Greek agriculture. The first city was Thessaloniki, one of Greece’s industrial cities, it is also the home to the American Farm School, which…

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April Busy Season

By Reagan Rowland | Apr 14, 2023

Beginning the second week of April it gets hectic around campus. Not only is the weather starting to warm up but it’s Ag week. Ag Week is put on by Ag Week Task Force, throughout the week different clubs, companies, and organizations help teach our fellow peers that might not know a lot about agriculture…

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Ag Week and Spring Fest

By Samantha Barker | Apr 12, 2023

It’s finally April, so that means Ag Week and Spring Fest are here! Ag Week features events and giveaways all week long and allows students from all backgrounds to learn and be involved in agriculture. It is a great way for the college of ag to demonstrate what agriculture is all about, and how it…

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IM Season

By Trey Mettler | Apr 12, 2023

IM sports also known as intramural sports are my personal favorite activity to participate in here on campus. Purdue has a wide variety of competitive and non competitive sports that you can participate in with your friends here on campus. Some examples of sports you can play are basketball, flag football, ultimate frisbee, soccer, volleyball,…

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Learning From Your “Mistakes”

By Amanda Pendleton | Apr 11, 2023

As a senior in high school, who was applying to Purdue, I was overwhelmed by what the College of Agriculture had to offer. I couldn’t decide where I wanted my path in agriculture to be. I decided to play it safe and start in ag business. Getting a degree in business would open up many…

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Changing Weather

By Claire King | Apr 5, 2023

If you have been in Indiana/the Midwest for the past week, you know the weather has felt like whiplash. You step out in the morning with the warm sun, but after class its pouring so hard that your shoes fill with water. As annoying as these shifts in weather are, they are quite symbolic of…

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The Home Stretch

By Brooklynn Williams | Apr 4, 2023

It’s finally here. The last month of the year. For some, like me, this is the last month of school ever. As I look back at my college career I think of the things that I wish I had done and the things I wish I had done differently. The thing I regret the most…

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Ag Alumni Fish Fry

By Jeremy Bell | Mar 28, 2023

During this semester, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the fish fry the college of agriculture puts on every year for alumni. I had a great time serving my community and being able to connect with those people who attended. I was able to meet some new people and enjoy some time with my…

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Getting involved in the Commodity Classic

By Makinzie France | Mar 22, 2023

One of the most impactful organizations I have been involved in while at Purdue has been Agriculture Future of America. AFA is an organization open to any college student that is pursuing a career in food, natural resources, or agriculture. Every November their annual leaders’ conference takes place in Kansas City, MO. Students have the…

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