Agronomy Ambassador Blog

Cooperative Living

By Grace Beard | Feb 16, 2021

Cooperative living is something not many people know about on Purdue’s campus, but something that needs to be promoted more. I am now a junior living in a cooperative house for my third year. I have seen and learned so much in just three years. In case you don’t know what cooperative living is, it…

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The Bright Side of Virtual Learning

By Makala Hammons | Feb 16, 2021

Of the almost four semesters I’ve spent at Purdue, 3 of them have been online learning based. Fall semester my freshman year in 2019 was the only complete semester I’ve had that was “normal”. However, it isn’t as bad as one may think. The constant zoom meetings, Brightspace due dates, and connection issues are minor…

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Adjusting on the Go

By Josh Adams | Feb 2, 2021

With the Covid 19 pandemic still being an ever present factor of our daily lives, it can sometimes make it difficult for a college student. For me, it was accommodating my work schedule to the newly renovated hours of the on-campus lab I worked for. The lab itself had to change dramatically to also accommodate…

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Balance Between College and the Farm

By Jessica Peterson | Feb 1, 2021

Growing up as a farm kid in northern Indiana, it was inevitable that I would attend Purdue and major within the College of Ag. I spent countless hours working on the farm while living at home, especially during my high school years. Transitioning into college, I knew I wanted to still be active on my…

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Progress in a Pandemic

By Olivia G Stratton | Jan 26, 2021

We all know that life is a whole lot different now than it was pre-pandemic, and this is especially true as a college student. Many classes are online or hybrid now, campus activities have changed, and overall, we are coming to a new normal. However, different isn’t necessarily bad. Online classes have helped to create …

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Working In a Lab as a Student

By Jackson Alsdorf | Jan 26, 2021

For The last three semesters I have had the opportunity to work for the Weed Science Lab in the Botany and Plant Pathology Department here at Purdue. It has been very beneficial for me for many reasons. The first reason is that it has given me the ability to work a couple hours a week…

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A Virtual SASES Meeting

By Riley Garner | Jan 25, 2021

As this semester starts, still different than any other college semester I’ve had, I reflect on the successes of last semester. A big success that I was able to have was to not only attend the SASES Annual Meeting, but participate and win first place in the Internship Poster Competition. This meeting looked a little…

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There is More to College than School

By Alexis Middleton | Jan 25, 2021

When I came to college, I did not understand that there was more to college than just school. As I have gotten older, I have realized that attending and watching Purdue sports is a great way to get a break from school and make friends. I focused almost too much on classes my freshman year…

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Looking at the Positive!

By Andrew Thurman | Jan 24, 2021

We all have heard about the negative things going on in this world over and over. So, I am going to talk about the positive things I see happening this semester! So far, many of my classes have decided to meet in person. This I great for both the students and the professors because most…

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