April Busy Season

Beginning the second week of April it gets hectic around campus. Not only is the weather starting to warm up but it’s Ag week. Ag Week is put on by Ag Week Task Force, throughout the week different clubs, companies, and organizations help teach our fellow peers that might not know a lot about agriculture what we all know about agriculture! It is a super fun week, Ag Week Task Force does a great job promoting agriculture in such a positive way! They have daily promo items such as cups, shirts, and stickers. One of my favorite promo items this year was the farmers feed the World tote bag. For the agronomy club, we had a booth on Wednesday where we taught about erosion and had free popcorn! We also had a cornhole tournament and cookout on Thursday night with 20 teams participating!  The second thing that makes April really busy is the spring fest! The agronomy department and agronomy club help put this on by selling pop and elephant ears. This year we are helping teach the public about erosion. This is a great way to help educate the general public about agriculture! 

Even though this month can be super busy it is one of the most rewarding seeing students and the public learn more about agriculture and how we would not be where we are today without it! 

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