Christmas is almost here!

This semester seems to have flown by! Although it has been a quick semester, campus has still been full of life. I spent a weekend painting pottery with friends, attended several basketball games in Mackey, spent countless hours preparing for class presentations, and most recently watched the Memorial Union Christmas tree arrive on at Purdue! Especially with Christmas so close, decorations have been put up around campus allowing us to have a little Christmas Cheer before we head home for the holiday. With the close proximity of Chicago to campus, next weekend my roommates and I will be traveling to spend one last weekend together to enjoy all of the Christmas lights that Chicago has to offer. We are extremely close to Christmas break with only 1 week before I head home. It’s bittersweet as this will officially be my last “month long” Christmas vacation. After 3 presentations in the last few weeks I think we are definitely deserving of a Christmas break, but I am still extremely excited to head back to campus for one last semester in the Spring.