Countless Opportunities for Agronomy Students (even during a pandemic)

All of us are doing our best to navigate this crazy time, especially those of us in college. We’ve been attending school our whole lives but never has it looked like this. As with any challenge in life, it is better to take on a challenge while supported—and that’s exactly what Purdue does for us. Here are 3 opportunities to find success as an agronomy major at Purdue University.

1. Virtual Career Fair

One of the biggest perks of being a Purdue College of Ag student is the career fair. With one of the biggest ag career fairs in the entire country, top companies big and small are looking for top talent to join their organizations in the form of internships and full time opportunities. This year was no different a seamless career fair was held and students were able to obtain jobs from their own homes. Never did I think I would be interviewing from the desk in my room but hey, it was 2020. Anything could happen. And at a school like Purdue, anything really could happen. Their number one priority is their students’ success, which has never been more apparent.

2. Clubs and Organizations

Not only was there a club fair for anyone to attend that was looking to branch out, clubs and organizations had meetings all the time! Students can continuously bond and develop their network with their peers. For clubs and organizations that utilize guest speakers, the option of virtual attendance could provide new opportunities for speakers located all over the world! There are no longer limits of geographic distance which means Purdue students can hear from and engage with the best in the world!

3. Helpful Faculty and Staff

The faculty and staff have always been beyond helpful but when COVID started unraveling our normal world in West Lafayette, everyone feared an online approach to college would hinder our experience and education. Thankfully we have the most dedicated people here that worked hard to make sure we felt comfortable and were taken care of. Everyone is so caring and so genuine. They are all pushing us to succeed and make it very clear help is available from them or others, always. Help sessions, reordered lectures, and all online homework is new but there are opportunities available now that we never had before.

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