Days Gone By

As a senior sitting in the CRC working on my last homework assignment it is hard to believe that I was once a freshman wondering how anyone ever made it through college. They say that time flies, and boy are they right. It does not seem possible that I have conquered organic chemistry, participated in all of the agronomy seminars led by Dr. Schweitzer, and figured out the layout of Lily Hall over the past 3 and half years. Since day one my parents have be harping on me to enjoy the “college experience”. To them, they do not think that I fully lived out my 4 years of college like I should have. I joined clubs but not a sorority, I went home every weekend and not to every football game, I went back to my apartment to do homework rather than out with friends, I graduated a semester early, I simply just did things differently. My “college experience” has been one that I would not trade for the world. I learned how to manage my time and get the things done that needed to be done so that I could do the things I wanted to do, I made friendships that will last a lifetime because we will all be working together in the industry sometime throughout our careers, and I learned that hard work pays off in the end. Of course I managed to do all of these things during a world wide pandemic, but that made my college experience even more personalized and special. Everyone has a different way to reach the finish line. It doesn’t matter how you get there, but make sure you make the journey worth while. It’s hard to believe all of the “one last times” that are occurring this week here at Purdue for me. College wasn’t easy, it wasn’t always fun, but it was the absolute best time of my life. As I sit here and compose my last agronomy ambassador blog post, I am simply in awe about how fast it has all gone. Don’t waste time, but make every second count!   

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