Don’t Let Finals Get You Down

The dreaded finals week. It’s no one’s favorite week of the semester, but you can get through it. To make finals so much easier here is my advice:

First, know when and where your finals take place before finals week so you make it on time (I have heard way too many stories about students missing their finals). Second, look over some material now! I know, I know, it’s early and there’s still plenty of time to study, but looking over the broad scope of everything you’ve learned can help you to remember the specifics later. Third, if you are too overwhelmed take it slow. Study for shorter chunks of time over a long period to commit everything to long term memory. This also works great if you study multiple subjects a day, everyday so you don’t feel like you need to cram for a final. And most importantly, take breaks! Taking breaks does not mean you will forget everything you’ve just done, it will actually help prevent that and keep you calm and collected. Taking your mind off of your work will help you recharge you can keep going instead of burning out. Finally, you are not alone! Study groups can be great resources to work with your peers and clear up any questions you have, but if you are really stuck, your professors and TAs will be happy to help! 

End the semester strong so you can have a great winter break, and good luck! 

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