Dorm Life

Hi! My name is Alexis Middleton and this is my third year here at Purdue. I have spent all three years living in an all girl’s dorm. I have enjoyed the sense of community from my my time in the dorms. I have made many friends and connections at Windsor. 

The dorms offer many opportunities for those who live there. In the beginning of the year we always tie dye Windsor shirts. There is an annual ski trip the whole dorm is invited to as well as several dances. In the past my dorm has held “Therapeutic Thursdays” where we get together with the people from our floors and paint canvases to destress.

I would recommend living on campus for as long as possible because of the many benefits. It is much easier to focus on school and be involved in campus life when living on campus. The meal swipes make focusing on school much easier because you do not have to worry about cooking and cleaning up food. Living in a dorm has made balancing my college life much easier. 

Alexis Middleton

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