Edd’s Supplies Inc.

This summer I had the privilege of working in my home town at a fertilizer/chemical distributor, Edd’s Supplies Inc. in Shipshewana Indiana. Edd’s is similar to agricultural co-ops in the services that they provide, services such as chemical and fertilizer sales, custom spray applications, lime and mineral spreading, soil sampling, etc. While at Edd’s I was able to make chemical deliveries to farmers, clean chemical tanks using a boom truck, answer calls and take orders from customers, take soil samples, and even do a little consulting with local farmers. I loved my time at Edd’s for many different reasons. One of these reasons was because I had the opportunity to talk to farmers while out on deliveries and throughout the summer I was able to build relationships with many of these farmers, as well as hear a lot of interesting stories. Another thing I loved about Edd’s was the work atmosphere. From day one everyone was very friendly and made sure that I felt welcomed. Throughout the rest of the summer I was able to grow closer to all my coworkers and feel like I was a part of the Edd’s family.