Field trips in College?

As a college student, you may not think that the days of going on field trips have ended. This is not true! I am a junior in agronomy and I have been on a field trip each semester. Numerous agriculture classes take you to the field, farm, and business operations to further develop your understanding of materials taught in class in the real world. One thing I love most about Purdue College of Agriculture is that professors do their best to incorporate ways of learning that are truly engaging. In AGRY 255 Soil Science, the class takes trips to the celery bog, Horticultural Park, and ACRE agronomy farm to interact with soil types and soil formation factors firsthand. ANSC 102 Introduction to Animal Science travels to Purdue’s swine, poultry, dairy, and equine facilities throughout the semester. SFS 312 Urban Agriculture takes a field trip to explore farming operations in the urban setting of Indianapolis. There are so many opportunities to take classes that take you out of the classroom for learning. Field trips are something I not only enjoy but look forward to each semester in my classes!