Get to Know Me- Allaina Beaupre

Hi everyone! My name is Allaina Beaupre, and I am a new Agronomy Ambassador for the 2024-2025 school year! I am a junior in agronomy crop and soil sciences with a minor in agribusiness. I am from a very small town called Papineau in Illinois. I got my love for agriculture growing up on my family’s row crop farm. I first started working on the farm in fall of 2019 running the combine. This past summer I had the opportunity to ‘intern’ for my dad and be a part of planting, side dressing and spraying. This really helped me get deeper insight into what goes on during the spring/summer since I have always had a different summer job. This spring was especially challenging due to all the rain we were getting. At one point I had just finished planting a 250-acre field and that same night we got 3 inches of rain. It really taught me a lot about patience and made me realize that agriculture is truly so dependent on outside factors that you cannot control.
I hope everyone has a great semester!