Get to know Me – Kyra Kiel

Hello! My name is Kyra Kiel. I am a new ambassador this year for the Agronomy department. Since this is new for me, I thought I would put together a little get to know me blog. First things first, I am a Junior here in the Agronomy department with a minor in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. I am from a small town in Northeastern Indiana called Warren. Its only bout 45 minutes south of Fort Wayne. I grew up in a rural community, not necessarily on a farm though. I did show pigs and goats in 4-H for ten years and did FFA in high school for four years. In FFA I was involved in LDE speeches, and CDEs such as parliamentary procedure, livestock judging, and soil judging, which ultimately made me want to go into Agronomy. I love soil, so much so that many of my friends in the agronomy department call me “The Dirt Nerd”. I loved soil judging in high school and I continue the passion here at Purdue as I am on the collegiate soil judging team. I ultimately want to become a soil scientist after I graduate. For right now though I am working through all of my classes, working in the soil resource center as an undergraduate tutor, working as a security guard for some of the on-campus housing, being in Sigma Alpha and holding the Social Events Director position, being in Agronomy Club and holding the Soils chair invitational position, and on top of everything, being an Agronomy Ambassador!