Grad School

When I decided I wanted to go to grad school I thought the process of getting into grad school would be quite simple, but I found it to be quite daunting. In reality, there isn’t much information that is very clear. I am going to share what I wish I knew about the process of getting a Master’s that I think should be easily accessible information to read.
You must first know if you would like to do a thesis or non-thesis degree. If you choose a non-thesis this is typically out-of-pocket and usually takes less time to complete. This is commonly done for those who are not interested in research. The application process is more simple as you just apply and then complete the degree. There are several online programs to complete a degree such as this.
If you are interested in research and would like to obtain a Master’s thesis, the process is more complicated. Before applying you need to know how you are going to fund it. You have three options: a company will pay, you will pay out-of-pocket, or a professor will grant you an assistantship and a grant will pay for it. If you are doing a thesis, you should not be paying for your own degree. Research companies, such as Bayer Crop Sciences, will sometimes offer to pay for the next degree if you commit to working for them for a certain amount of time. Most students choose the route of getting a paid assistantship. This is when your degree is paid for and you also get a stipend, which usually ranges from $15,000 to $30,000. You will work on a specific project that the professor has for your thesis work. If you would like an assistantship, you will actually find a professor to “sponsor” you before applying. Most people do this by looking up professors on the university’s directory and seeing if their work interests them at all. If so, the student will email the professor and see if they have any availability in their lab. Sometimes the professor just flat out won’t respond, so don’t be discouraged! If they are interested in you, you will have a meeting with them and sometimes go a paid visit. If they accept you into their program, you will then complete the application process. It can be intimidating when trying to go to grad school, but if you ask the right questions to the right people, you will be able to figure it out!

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