Hate to See You Leave, Love to See You Go

Round four of college should consist of taking easy courses, enjoying the last of your social life, and making the most of your time left. Instead of stressing about finding your class on the first day, failing your first exam, or making your first true college friends, I have experienced the last of these things. In some aspects it’s great to take your last hard class, completing your last 13 plus hour lab reports, or your last time scheduling classes. The hardest struggle of senior year is adapting to change. You follow the same daily routines, but the people involved in your life the past four years fluctuate. This is the thing that I struggle with the most.  If I could offer advice, I would suggest not taking advantage of the time you have left at Purdue. Go visit your advisor to ask how their day is going. Go on that midnight ice cream run with a group of friends to take a study break. Enjoy the moments of studying with your friends and bonding over how hard the class is, but the fact that you will get through it. Ask the person next to you how their day is going. Don’t just a person on the street because you never know what they are going through. Don’t forget to call your family once a week, because they have been your support from afar. Take the time to thank your professors for the experience in their class, good or bad, I’m sure you learned something. Most of all, be thankful for the people that have been in your life the past four years during your highest achievements and lowest life obstacle.  I leave you with this quote for your time during college and once you graduate ~ “Everyone you meet has something to teach you.” 

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