Having a Game Plan

When I first started at Purdue I had many people help me figure things out along the way. My Academic Advisor was there to sort through the mess of classes and figure out what I needed and what I could do without. When I met my Faculty Mentor she helped teach me ways that will help me succeed in the class room and in my life. Without these people and many others I would have been lost and turned around in the vastness of Purdue requirements. Now that I almost have 2 full years under my belt I am feeling more confident in my decisions and choices for what will work best for me. I have come to understand that you may be able to wing it all 4 years but for the benefit of yourself it is better to have a Game Plan. A Game Plan to me is sitting down and looking at what else I need to accomplish. Personally that includes completing required credits and even extra classes that may not benefit my degree requirements much but can impact my understanding for a potential career in a particular field greatly. For me I was able to map out a Game Plan fairly quickly because I knew what degree I wanted from Purdue even before I enrolled. For others it may take longer for them to figure out a Game Plan because their interests may change or they may not know what they want to do when they arrive at Purdue. Sometimes it will take time to figure out what may be best for you as an individual and that’s ok. Once you are confident in what you want, from life or even as small of a thing as a club, it will greatly benefit you to create a Game Plan to maximize everything you can accomplish here at Purdue University.

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