Hello, Junior Year

Hello, my name is Meghna Saldanha, and I am from a suburb of Minneapolis, MN. This is my first year being an ambassador, my second year in the PGBB program, and my third year at Purdue.
This year is already looking a lot different than other years. Along with the masks and social distancing rules, I have just begun getting into my major classes and that makes me so excited! This is also my first year living in an off campus apartment, which is a big change from the dorms. All of my classes but one is online this semester, which makes it a bit challenging but as the year goes on I have high hopes. One thing that isn’t different this year is all my labs are in person. In my spare time, (which I don’t have a lot of) I work in a microbiology lab and I am pursuing my capstone in soybean pathogens right now.

Overall I am looking forward to a great year at the best school!

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