Here Come the Holidays

As we enter this festive holiday season here on campus, many things start to become a blur and a mess. The days fly by and our minds are occupied with many other things that need to be done that we’re not always the greatest at staying on top of our school work. It’s not always easy to balance life and school and possibly even work. It can make for some long days and late nights striving to finish our goals. One thing that helps me avoid the work piling up is to keep any type of a schedule. For me I mostly keep mental schedules to help me complete my work on time. I look over assignments beforehand, determine possibly how long they will take to finish and determine and set aside a time to complete this assignment. I am not always someone who attempts to complete the work as early as I possibly can. I am as many would call a procrastinator and leave my work till the very end which is not always the best but it’s how I work best. Therefore, I must keep a mental schedule of when and how I am going to complete my assignments or I would let it all pile up and become overwhelmed with the amount of work needing to be completed. Other people use planners or calendars to keep track of assignments and other important activities. Whatever it is that will work best for you I would recommend to use to keep track of thing during this busy time of the year. It’s a wonderful time to spend with friends and family and eat great food but the school work cannot be forgotten about if we are to accomplish our dreams and goals. Happy Holidays!

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